Cobbe Portrait of Shakespeare, Wikimedia

Dajjal at Work: How Shakespeare Cemented the Changes in the English Language, and Warped the English Mind

From time to time we mine the treasures of the old majalis sittings with Souliman Sousi from back in the day, here’s a gem, for those who can perceive. Shaytan is always busy. Iblis and he Dajjal manipulates, steers, and guides human cultures through the ages using narratives, stories fables and myths, as well as language itself. Language is key to the science of memetics, for it’s chiefly through language that ideas pass from mind to mind.

As long time readers and listeners would be aware, and new sisters and brothers just joining us are learning , for over 30 years before retiring and disappearing from view, Soluiman Sousi quietly taught a small number of people around the world about the reality of the doctrine of the dajjal hidden in our classical Islamic texts and lore, and indeed within the Quran itself. Interpretations scattered across literally thousands of classical manuscripts and texts but cleverly obscured and arranged in ways to prevent millions of Muslims in history from realizing the truth.

The Dajjal leaves his footprints outside of our narrow Muslim circles, however. Sometimes with a sharp eye you can see his footprints in the most surprising places. William Shakespeare is an interesting example.

Like Milton, Dante, Firdawsi, Pir-e Roshan Bayazed Ansari, Abu Nuwas, and many other interesting literary figures, Shakespeare had an unparalleled influence on his language of expression: English. In fact in many ways he’s one of the fathers of the modern English language. Modern English as it left the Tudor period owes an immense debt to Shakespeare, who single-handedly created more new words in English than anyone else outside of Milton.

In doing this Shakespeare cemented certain changes into the English Language itself, and thereby altering the mind of its speakers for the rest of time. Shakespeare profoundly influenced, changed, modified, indeed warped the English speaking mind in ways to make it more manageable.

Maybe you are skeptical, think about it deeply. Reflect on this. Why are certain slogans and phrases, even words, just tiny words, so effective in pushing the emotional buttons of Americans, British and English, Anglo-Canadians and Australians, New Zealanders? There are slight variants between them all, but they are slight.

You can push people’s emotional buttons with a tiny turn of a phrase, drive people to genocidal war, set them against each other, or unite them in mind-bogilingly huge undertakings. Most of these turns of phrases originated with one man’s pen: ‘The Bard’ himself, as he is often called. Shakespeare is explicitly seen as The Bard, the Master Poet of all English. That should tell you something.

Here’s the key to really understanding what happened: Howard Bloom. In the late 1990s Souliaman Sousi directed us to the late Harold Bloom, one of the most influential Jewish-American literary critics in the late 20th and early 21st century. Our teacher advised us to make a special note of Bloom’s recent work, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. What does this have anything to do with the Dajjal or Islam or Prophecy? Well that’s what we asked.

Being unable to grasp the relevance of it to the Din and prophecy it took us some time to follow our teacher’s advice and examine the book. Years later, once we did, Souliman Sousi explained its relevance, shedding light on things far beyond Bloom’s ken. Bloom argued that Shakespeare’s writings absolutely altered human consciousness, at first for the English but thereafter for the entire world that the English influenced.

Bloom’s thesis is that Shakespeare’s writings actually changed the world itself, and created the modern mind that we are now all influenced by. William Shakespeare subtly re-created humanity, mentally and spiritually, in particular through certain characters, like Hamlet, or Falstaff, or MacBeth. Souliman Sousi affirmed this, and said it went beyond anything Bloom himself ever imagined, and Bloom was the first writer to actually concretely grasp this.

But what Bloom did not grasp, Souliman explained, was how, and why, Shakespeare’s deep use of language itself accomplished this. And moreover that these changes profoundly warped humanity, and the British most profoundly so. They created the modern mind. Bloom saw that as good. However it’s more complex than he was able to imagine.

We were all altered, changed, in ways that we simply can’t go back from. But by becoming conscious of what was done, and broadening your grasp of languages, you can better realize it, and compensate for it.

William Shakespeare was responsible for an extremely large number of neologisms, i.e. newly coined words. More than anyone in his age. Beyond just words he introduced a massive amount of terms, cliches and phrases, buzzwords, turns-of-phrase, that mold the modern English speaking mind. You are made of the slogans repeated around you constantly. Whether they come from Nubuwwa – prophetic teaching, or from comic books.

Shakespeare’s influence was unparalleled not only in his age, but in times up to our age as well. Not even Milton surpassed him, though Milton was also responsible for massively re-working the English language. And so too was the anonymous “authors” of the King James Bible, allegedly written by a committee but betraying the overwhelming influence of a single hand, and who was contemporaneous with Shakespeare.

The King James Bible and William Shakespeare’s plays and poems are the chief cultural products of the Tudor Age that absolutely re-worked the modern English mind. It’s no accident that his age was the very beginning of modernity itself.

Whoever William Shakespeare really was, as with whoever the real authors of the King James Bible were, these works and Shakespeare’s in particular cemented the changes in the then quite fluid English language and effectively cemented a certain mentality in the English, and those whom the English later influenced by their language. English was not one language then, it was a collection of quite disparate dialects, some still quite close to the older Saxon and German of Beowulf’s age.

Many English dialects at the time of Shakespeare itself wouldn’t be intelligible with a modern English speaker. They are literally different languages. But the dialect of Kent and London, as molded by Shakespeare, came to effectively dominate and re-work all of them, into a new language, a new mode of expression: one that became international, and in time a World Language. A new lingua franca.

What’s the “take-home point”? The scheming never ends. The dajjal is not just on an island somewhere, waiting in a grotto or abandoned monastery until the end of days. Rather, he has been and is currently actively walking, living, and working among the people of the world, and in particular the Muslims, in disguise, wearing various ‘hats’ so to speak, and patiently working his fitnah and misguiding people. Ibn Sayyad was only one of many identifies, disguises, or let’s say ‘hats’ that he wore and continues to wear. We believe William Shakespeare also was one.

You will never understand how he does what he does, or why he does what he does, and if you have the misfortune to run into him and he tells you then don’t forget: his business, his occupation, his vocation is misguidance. That’s what he does.

One Great Trick; Dajjal-Spotting Without Tears… A Quick Way to See the Dajjal in History.

He is everywhere. He’s everywhere! He’s at a bar with your friends, he’s having dinner with your kids, he’s in bed with your lover! ” — the Character Mr. White to James Bond, on Blofeld, in the film 007: Spectre (2015).

How to you see what’s otherwise invisible? How do you see the Dajjal?

In your search for truth, in your research, we’ll share one very useful trick. If you understand it, truly understand it, and if you also understand how amthal (so-called parables, proverbs, or similitudes) work, how they are actually models then you will be better able to perceive the Dajjal and his operations.

You will virtually be able to see him move, act, even speak, in history, stories, movies, wherever you look around.

It’s like “seeing the Matrix” so to speak. As you do your own research and searching for the truth, something you need to always keep in mind is this; The Dajjal writes a lot.

Pretty simple, the Dajjal writes a lot, he’s an extraordinarily prolific writer. This is a tell-tale sign that there may be a dajjalic aspect to a person or situation that you see in history.

Before the modern era this was more obvious, and he used to do this a lot. He still does, but as we’ll cover later, the Human Alphabet Soup effect outsources some of the scribbling grunt work involved.

By massively writing the Dajjal and virtually be in three or more places at the same time. How does this work?

Here is a clue. The Dajjal wears many hats, think of Shakespeare’s “the world’s a stage” remark. He has a character, it serves as a stand-in for him, and he lets people deceive themselves when looking at and interacting with that character. By prolific writing this character is reproduced, massively. This character is in models, wise sayings, parables and simillitudes, essentially amthal.

The Dajjal writes a lot of stories, his narratives proliferate widely and end up defining entire cultures and world-views.

In the age of postmodern media this is even more easy than ever before, in history. The next time you see some great Shaykh, Imam, or author who effortlessly produces volumes of works, deforesting entire regions in the process, and consuming entire paper industries, you have a clue – but only a clue – that something else may be going on.

The key is don’t be silly about this, don’t run off and see things that may not exist in everything. Just keep it in the back of your mind as a possible clue, and as you work through things it may serve you well.

How to Read Amthal; Quranic Parables and Similitudes. And what Hollywood and Demonic Dajjalic Models Work

Peace upon those who seek it. On this 27th night of Ramadhan may you find knowledge, enlightenment and guidance.

To proceed, here’s a useful method that will help you better understand the Quran, learn from it, and also spot demonic and dajjalic deceptions. You’ll also be able to understand Hollywood better, by the end of this article.

The benefit for you is not only will you be able to better understand the divine words, but you also learn how to recognize demonic ideas, words and models of reality. Therefore you will be better avoid the Dajjal’s schemes against you personally. And you have to take this stuff personal, because it’s your life and soul at stake.

The Quran’s verses are ayat, literally signs. Allah also tells us explicitly in the Quran that he has prepared examples, what seems on the surface to be allegories, or as some translators put it, similitudes. These point to a deeper reality.  The word used in Quran itself for what are sometimes translated as similitudes, parables, proverbs  or allegories in English is mathal ( مثل ), and its plural is amthalأمثال ).  We will use this word in Arabic for the rest of this piece.

Now, the question is; How should you approach them? How do you benefit from amthalأمثال ) and understand them?

To better understand and use them for the purposes our creator wants for us you want to treat them as as models. Basically, you have to treat them as archetypes in a sense.

Now, this method only applies to those attributes which are being used. For example, say there is a particular word or a name. There is a  mathal in the Quran which is part of a set of words and ideas, let’s say “X, Y, and Z”. This forms a set, so to speak.

You cannot access the meaning of the mathal in question outside of that set. The set in which the mathal is found is its  context.

The context of the set in which that mathal appears is found is what matters. It is only when applied in that specific context that it is relevant.

What you have to consider before using them is their context. The way the Qur’anic context is used is vital. In the particular stories that you find what appears to be an allegory or similitude its context alone is what’s relevant to you.

This context is a model, so to speak. So when reading them don’t think of the concept of allegory, parable, proverb or similitude. Rather, think of the idea of a model.As in a model of reality.

Now, you do not pull anything from outside of the immediate given context. When a mathal is given in the Quran its immediate context is vital in a way that’s actually logical and mathematical.

A surprising fact: Few people realize that the Dajjal is actually referred to several times in the Quran, but not by name. You must, in the Quran, come to an understanding of where he is specifically being referred to.

The context of the ayats, the verses in which he is referred to, are what gives you the clues from which you must deduce more. The context is what’s important, when you do your own homework and research to better understand this for yourself. Allah gives you clues and hints along the way, to guide your research to greater understanding. But you must make the effort.

Here is a trick of the Dajjal; he tells people to see a snake and they see it. In other words he, like Iblis, makes suggestions. It is you who believes his suggestions and fills in the blanks, and thus assists in your own deception.

Every con-man knows that his mark, the person he’s scamming, is complicit in his own being deceived. Understand this, and you understand something that may save your life and soul.

In a way the Dajjal’s character is like a Mexican piñata. If you hit it the right way then tasty seeming candy pours out of it. Now, the more that you beat it, the more you look at it, study it, the more of his candy that you get. And his candy is very tasty indeed. Because it’s a fantasy.

This fantasy barks at you, like a dog, if you turn away from it, then it barks at you, just as when you come up to it and hit it. So really, it’s like a cut-out paper character. An evil mathal — an evil model, an evil metaphor, an allegory, an evil analogy, an evil parable.

This evil model is sweet and tasty. It’s like mental and spiritual candy, and it falls on what was mostly good, covering it up with poison.

These are demonic models, demonic methods. They cover up and bury good ones.One example is Hollywood.

Hollywood is all about models of reality; amthal, similitudes, allegories. Hollywood is a story factory, a fictional demonic story factory for the most part.

Hollywood churns out demonic models of reality to cover-up and edge out all of the good ones. So much to the point that it’s not uncommon nowadays for people to emulate cartoon characters and their speaking patterns, repeating clichés and idioms spoken by outright cartoon characters, in some cases characters with animated or live action who essentially wrecked represent the worst of humanity.

Those amthal that Hollywood produces are suitable to the contexts they are in, but are also harmful models. But they are perfect models in a way. Their flaws are part of their purpose and design, the person whose profession is to make them has a frame, memetically these models cause the follower to be inclined to his frame as well.

That’s how it works. Think about it.

2015 Addendum to Siberian Yamal Craters Theories and Coverups


Hole-topview-drtscrubDrafted 28 February, 2015. Edited 15 April 2015



(This addendum sheds more light on the previous interpretation of the mysterious craters found in the Yamal peninsula and elsewhere Siberia crater, in light of more recently discovered craters.)



Welcome back, peace upon those who seek it. Some of you have read the previous notes here, our analysis on the recent discovery of first one then too, and then three, mysterious holes in the permafrost and the Yamal Peninsula of Siberia. Now, the world is being rocked with the news of the discovery of yet more mysterious craters of uncertain origin.

(For a review, see: Review of Theories and Coverups, Yamal Hole One and Review of Theories and Coverups, Yamal Hole Two )

Back in July, Brother Soulaiman Soussi analysis mentioned a strong possibility that several more craters would be found in Siberia. As we are seeing, now in 2015, this is coming to pass. The more people are looking in the area, the more craters they are finding.

What are they, and where do they come from? Are they natural or human made, and what is their significance or meaning? These questions and more have set the news media, blogosphere, and Internet social media afire. Every day, new speculations come out in message forms, social media, and the comment sections of the newspapers and blogs reporting on these strange mysterious phenomena.

Ask yourself, have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car, suddenly you start to see it everywhere? Let’s say, the exact same VW, or Honda, or Lexus, the same color, all over the place?

In this case, the cars didn’t just pop out of nowhere. They were always there, you were simply mentally filtering them out. So, in the craters’ case, these craters were there, all the way in the most remote and sparsely populated Arctic environment in Eurasia. However, no one was looking for them.

When you look at them in the news, notice that they are all in the same general range, in terms of in size and configuration. The variations, here, are minor. Nature doesn’t do that. Natural phenomena would exhibit a wider range of variation and diversity. The fact that so many people haven’t yet figured this out means they are simply being willful morons.

So far no one out there has a convincing explanation for these craters. No one out there has offered anything remotely approaching proof regarding the purported natural origins of these holes. Indeed no one out there even seems to know how old they are.

We suggested an interpretation, based on brother Sulayman Soussi’s innovative research, which inspired and continues to inform this website. So, in light of the recently discovered new holes, we offer this addendum to the previous series.

The new holes discovered offer more tangible evidence of the human origin behind this mystery.

A Review:

Towards the end of 2014, and the beginning of 2015, Russian researchers believe that had discovered through satellite imagery and other uses a number of additional holes, possibly as many as 20 or more. As ascertained from the recent articles at the Huffington Post, the Siberian times which originally broke the story, in other news outlets, those commenting on this issue believe that the whole of the result of “anthropogenic global warming” most likely, gas explosions or ruptures, or something similar, again due to global warming. The reality is that they really do not know and are simply jumping on the latest politically correct bandwagon, in particular as some the older explanations, like a collapsed, are entirely silly and unrealistic.

A Cold War, and Horrific yet Understandable Crimes:

The interpretation previously mentioned here on Cipherverse is the most likely explanation; the craters are the result of human activity, and indeed the result of what could be called the crime of the century. However it is an entirely understandable crime, and this must be understood, though it remains a horrific crime against the environment of the entire planet, and its inhabitants.

The interpretation previously posted on Cipherverse was that the originally discovered holes were most likely the result of underground nuclear testing. This interpretation is reiterated, but we want to share an additional twist. The previous analysis was that these holes were most likely extremely old, from the height of the Cold War. While this can be the case, there is another understanding that’s possible.

During the farcical and Dajjalic Cold War the Soviet-led Eastern Bloc Warsaw Pact states contended in a ridiculously expensive battle, not only financially but also in human lives, against the wealthiest states and empires of the world; the Anglo-American led NATO states of Western Europe.

During the height of the nuclear arms race, both sides poisoned the planet with the repeated testing of nuclear weapons. Nuclear tests were performed in places both remote and, in some cases, terribly close to human habitation. The terrible legacy of this will live on, in cancers of untold numbers of people throughout their lifetimes, and the poisoning of wetlands, forests and tundra.

To understand all of this, you must see that the motivation behind underground nuclear weapons testing lies in a vital strategic imperative.

Bunker Busting, Destroy Command and Control:

The strategic imperative behind Eastern Bloc and Western underground nuclear testing is the vital need to destroy an enemy’s command and control.

In the modern era, castles and fortifications are no longer above ground, rather they are underground. Contemporary aerial weapons technology dictates that an army’s command-and-control can no longer reside behind mountain-top palisades, stone halls and castles. The modern imperative, rather, is to dig down.

When Adolf Hitler was found dead, according to the conventional version of the story, where was he found? In an underground bunker weathering out the aerial bombardment of Germany, the allied Holocaust of fire storms ripping across German cities, destroying civilians and everything in its path.

The United States government maintains an entire shadow government apparatus ready to go underground and extremely deep buried fortifications well below the earth at a moments notice the case of national crisis.

The government of the People’s Republic of China has, over the last decade, excavated probably hundreds of miles with extremely deeply buried tunnels, building what many people suspect the veritable underground cities.

The Strategy of Cutting Off the Enemy’s head:

An army’s command-and-control is its head, metaphorically speaking. When an army’s head is cut off from its body, the body – the bulk of the armed forces – becomes useless and is quickly, easily defeated. Thus a strategist’s first task of is to protect his command-and-control, and destroy or degrade his enemy’s.

Modern weapons technologies have advanced to the point that even burrowing underneath entire mountains is not sufficient protection for command-and-control, as seen in the case of the Afghani Taliban’s slaughter in 2001 and 2002. Their betrayal, as they were, by their erstwhile leader, the one-eyed commander of the Taliban whom we believe to have been the Dajjal himself, or at least one of his avatars or tools, and their immolation by areal bombardment shows that in today’s world, even hiding in hardened tunnels underneath mountains is not sufficient anymore.

One of the uses of tactical battlefield nukes is penetrating underground and hardened bunkers and fortifications. Tactical nukes are the ultimate bunker busters. However, after the Cold War the use of tactical nukes is no longer politically viable. This is in the wake of nonproliferation treaties that the Western world – Anglo-American and Western European NATO countries – could well afford to sign. Countries like the United States of America and its Forward Operating Base, colonial rump, Israel, can afford billions of dollars of research and development into conventional bunker buster, ground penetrating, conventional warheads.

A country like Russia simply cannot.

Thermobaric Bunker Busters:

Ground penetrating bunker buster bombs are designed to wreck and devastate like nuclear devices. But they are entirely conventional explosive systems. They were most recently cruelly and illegally used by Israel against targets behind Syria’s borders, in its interference and meddling in the current Syrian fitnah – an ongoing idiotic Civil War prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, over 1400 years ago. They were used by the United States and coalition forces against Iraqi civilians, to horrifically overawe, shock and horrify them into submission.

In the last ten years immense research and development has gone into the development of thermobaric bunker-busting bombs, such as the barbaric so-called MOAB – or “Mother of All Bombs”used by allied forces in Iraq, to the terror and suffering of many Iraqi civilians. Thermobaric conventional weapons have the raw destructive capability of battlefield nukes, and indeed modern ones are more powerful than some of the battlefield nukes developed during the Cold War.

Thermobaric “MOAB” type weapons, however destructive, are entirely conventional and so fit within the regulations of non-proliferation treaties. The Russians certainly applied themselves towards conventional bunker-busting weapon development, however given the trillions of dollars the USA, Israel and Western Powers have at their disposal, there really was never a way for Russia, given its limited resources and constant attempts by the West to marginalize it, to keep up in such Research and Development.

Russia quite simply cannot afford the research and development, systematic testing, and deployment of advanced thermobaric conventional bunker buster bombs. Russia lacks financial clout, and is repeatedly, systematically, blockaded in the world economic community.

Russia lacks the engineering resources needed to develop, test and deploy such conventional weapons. However nuclear weapons serve exactly the same functions as conventional bunker busters. They do not, however, neatly fit within nonproliferation agreements.

Therefore, logically, the Russians would see no option other than going with the tried and true; nuclear weapons.

The Logic of Underground Testing. MAD, Mutual Assurance, and Open Secrets:

We are not defending Russia, certainly no friends of ours, but you have to look at things from their perspective. From the Russian standpoint, why shouldn’t they? After all America, Britain, France, Germany and Israel all have illegally broken nuclear nonproliferation treaties many times (something even alluded to in Tom Clancy’s Sum of All Fears), while poisoning the world’s environment with nuclear weapons testing, and in the case of France’s underwater tests, poisoning the very oceans. In the U.S. of A, large portions of Nevada desert sand have been converted into radioactive glass in such tests. This is the height of illegality and from the Russians ‘perspective, deeply hypocritical.

Even India’s racist Hindu BJP government is illegally in on this game of nuclear testing, facilitated as they were by the USA and Israel.

Russia, however, has always had Siberia available as a remote testing ground. Going back in history, with satellite imagery and sensor technology’s refinement in the 1980s and 1990s, and the deployment of imagery satellites designed to explicitly look for the telltale flashes of a nuclear explosion, the Russians would’ve had to resort to underground tests, in order to continue their testing.

The real extent of this testing would extend well beyond the few that are known and documented on the Internet. Likely dozens or even hundreds more, perhaps.

Of course, the US intelligence agencies knew perfectly well what was going on, and Putin knew perfectly well that they knew, but the Russian message was basically if push comes to shove, under vital threat to their command and control centers, they would not hesitate to use their tactical nuclear bombs as bunker busters against American command-and-control centers.

This renders the whole “new cold war” armament race moot. Russia retreated back to MAD (the strategic doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction) their actions saying, in essence, ‘you can have your bunker busters, we aren’t going to play your game’.

In light of this interpretation it stands to reason that many, indeed most, if not all, of these mysterious holes are of recent origin. Perhaps even in the last 10 to 20 years, from the mid-1990’s to early 2000’s.

This interpretation still maintains that it’s possible some craters may be older, going to the height of Cold War testing. Since the US and Israel, however, have been heavily involved in a bunker-buster arms race, it is not only possible but also likely that what we are seeing has been Russia’s recent response.

The logic behind massive testing is simple: an untested weapon is worse than useless.

To wield an extraordinarily complex piece of weapons technology in combat, without having tested it out, is practically suicidal. Beyond the simple possibility of blowing up in your face, or fallout and toxic after-effects blowing in the opposite direction that was intended, poisoning one’s own populace or troops, there’s the international humiliation of being made to look like an ass, proverbially speaking with one’s pants around one’s ankles in the middle of the snow.

No, one must rigorously test one’s weapons technology, and as discreetly as possible, minimizing the amount of intelligence as to one’s capabilities, successes and failures, making its way back to one’s enemies. In this light, the Soviet Union was well known to have conducted underground nuclear tests in Siberia as well as Kazakhstan – to the lament and immense suffering of many of the region’s peoples. Only a fool or extremely naive person, however, would think that an accurate summation of covert and top-secret testing could be obtained from an Internet website.

The Secret Legacy:

The Soviets in the past, and Russian Federation at present, are very good at counter-espionage and holding their secrets close. Undoubtedly, there must remain scores of top-secret test locations and dates that may remain unknown to the broader world for very long time, if ever. Therefore, it’s possible and likely that these newly discovered holes could be quite new, and their very existence unknown even to much of the Russian government and military. Top-Secret information is by nature compartmentalized, meaning only a few people with an actual need-to-know about such matters would know.

Such covert underground test craters would be in locations known to an extreme minority in Russia’s military and government, and in some cases only remembered by men now passing their 60’s into their 70’s, 80’s, and even 90’s. Those secret still unpublished ones, which date from the very beginnings of the nuclear era, could pass out of living memory entirely in the next couple of years – as the entire generation of men who were in their 30’s and 40’s during the mid-late 1960s are dying off. Those craters that could be more recent, from the 1980s or even 1990s, would still be obscure, known to a small number of military and intelligence professionals late in their careers, bound not only by legally binding vows of secrecy, but by the knowledge of the immense environmental damage their tests wrought on the planet and its inhabitants.

Such men wouldn’t speak.

In the end analysis, time alone will tell if the Yamal Peninsula and Siberian craters are recent Russian Federation underground nuclear test craters, or older Soviet underground nuclear test craters.

This theory and interpretation of the actual facts of the phenomena observed provide the most likely explanations of the mystery of the Siberian holes, from the originally discovered Yamal peninsula crater to the large number of recently discovered ones . The explanations of methane gas eruptions, or mysterious, unexplained, anthropogenic “global warming” or “climate change” phenomena are simply smoke-screens and disinformation.

Peace be upon those who seek it.

Two Types of Souls. Truth, Authority, and the Dajjal’s Disguises Part 2

Soulaiman continued, and shifted the subject a bit from the Dajjal, to his audience – you and I out there.

“Now with the example of a name, you have a situation in which certain Muslims would automatically trust the authority of someone bearing a type of name or title. In other words, they would trust the image he brought to bear in from of them, and the name or title is part of the image.

The problem with a lot of this is summarized by that old statement about there being two kinds of souls. There are many other ways to distinguish people, but one of the most productive ways to understand humanity is along the following way of dividing and categorizing people, when you are looking at their heart of hearts, their mind of minds if you will.

On The Two Types of Souls: the Appearance of Authority, and the Reality of Truth.

This adage is famous in different ways, but I am going to restate it in my own way. I’ve come up with a pithy adage based on this old traditional saying that summarizes its essential idea; it is this, basically:

‘It is a misery to take authority as your truth, instead of truth as your authority.'”

He paused, let me think about it for a moment, and then he re-stated it, slightly changed.

It is a miserable soul that takes authority as its truth, instead of the opposite – Truth as its final authority.”

He paused again, and continued. “This is simply a nice, useful, and simple way of saying the following: for some people, a figure of authority is their truth. When a president speaks, or when the king, imam, or priest speaks, this automatically deserves such people’s respect. For them the mere act of someone with that authoritative title speaking conveys truth.

On the other hand, for some people, indeed for a few, and unfortunately only a few, the Truth itself is their authority. For this second group of people, it wouldn’t matter if the Pope himself, the Sheikh el-Islam, the Khalifa or Mufti, said something. If what is said doesn’t measure up to the truth then it is absolutely of no relevance to them, any more than if it had been spoken, or brayed, by a Jackass. Such people, however, are very far and few between. Extremely few, in fact.

The point is that the vast majority of humanity mistake authority for truth. In other words, they act as if just because you have a title, are a type of expert, like a doctor, or father, or priest, or imam, that this somehow confers truth upon your words. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“I think I’m getting it..”

“The second group of people, those who see truth as their authority seem different from the others, those who see authority as truth. People make this basic mistake all the time, every day. Let’s say that I am a so-called expert in something – a doctor in this or that field – and I happen to get on television to talk about some issue, the people in the audience with switch off their brains.

People – most of the people anyway – automatically believe whatever a person is saying in such a situation. In this example, most people in the audience will automatically believe what such an expert has to say.

But when you really think about it, this expert is just a normal average human being, like anybody else. He is a vulnerable, fallible, mere mortal like any other person. A person’s expertise should be measured against the truth, not the opposite – that the truth itself is measured against a person’s expertise and title. It’s a simple game, really.”

I interrupted him, blurting out “That is exactly what happened with the Bahais, in the early Babi Movement!”

“Yes, that is exactly right.” He said. “This guy, the so-called Bab, when the people around him looked at him, so overwhelming was the appearance he presented before them, so earth shakingly overwhelming it was, that they assumed he was clearly a figure or truth and authority.”

“Soulaiman, I have read that even some of the early enemies of the Babi and Bahai sects, indeed some of the Bab’s own jailers, actually felt horrible over imprisoning him. These people saw the turban, and the beard, and more than this, they saw his apparent saintliness. It affected them greatly. They saw that he was always fasting, always in prayer, and all these sort of things, and they would say to themselves ‘such a person could not lie.‘”

Soulaiman nodded and stroked his beard.

“This is what I am speaking of. Those people mistook authority for truth; the title and appearance of authority for the Truth. Yet the truth is not a matter of appearance. The truth is ultimately a matter of reasoning..” He said, drawing out and emphasizing the word ‘reasoning’, and letting it linger for a few moments, before continuing.

“Consider this; a lie can be garbed in just about anything you want to dress it in. You can dress-up a lie like the Queen herself. You can dress a lie in the garb of the King of the World. In both cases, it is still a goddamn lie.

The Truth; it can come to you from the lips of a babe, a child, and it can come to you from the lips of a pauper. The truth can be found spoke even by a Bush. However the majority of humans would not recognize it, because they do not expect the truth to be associated with such … un-authoritative states, or situations or individuals.

So, to recap or restate the dramatic words I used in the beginning; there are two kinds of souls on this earth.

1. Those who recognize the truth even if it came dressed in the garb of a pauper.

2. Those would wouldn’t recognize the truth, unless it came to them dressed in kingly habits.

And those are the two kinds of people there are on this earth.”

“Or in today’s world, instead of kingly habit, a scientist’s white coat or a president’s suit?” I asked.

“Yeah, Whatever.” He said. “Basically, if the truth came to them with the right dress, if it came dressed correctly, whatever this dress happened to be. This has always been the case. Throughout human history, through the broad sweep of mankind’s history, it has always been the case that there are these two kinds of souls. Now, I used the word ‘souls’ carefully, because it is such a deep issue.

When you actually try to explain all of this to a person, like when you try to ask a person, ‘wait a minute, why is it that you believe this person, even though he’s lying’ you come up against tremendous opposition. Why, for example, do you believe the goddamn president even though countless times he’s lied, lied and lied again? Yet there you sit, in front of your TV, and you make two or three hours of your time just to listen to his State of the Union address, even when you know that he’s actually a goddamn liar.

You wouldn’t do this for a liar who came up to you dressed in homeless clothing. You wouldn’t assign this much room and time in your life if the liar came to you, dressed in a garb that doesn’t confer authority upon its wearer. And yet, people do this all the time for experts. People of expertise and authority, kings, and presidents, will lie to people, over and over again, yet people always go back to these ‘experts’, sit before them, and listen to their lies silently and attentively.

However, there are other people. There is a small group of people, indeed a special group of people, that wouldn’t care even if they were told the lie was spoken by God – Allah forbid.

Now the way I worded this is a far fetched and extreme, but very real example. For this small group of people, even if you told them that God himself had spoken a lie, these extremely few and special people, even if you told them ‘God said this’, and you could actually show them in – obviously false – scripture, that the God of such false scripture spoke a lie, they would recognize the lie, and they would not give it any authority, because it is simply not worthy of that authority.

All false religion works like this, in fact. This how all false propaganda works. This is how all political manipulation works. It works by conferring the image of authority to a lie. In the case of false religion, the ultimate image of authority is by assigning it to God almighty himself, who is beyond such falsehoods.”

“What is a good example of this?”

“For example, to pick on one group of people, take Hinduism.” Soulaiman said.”Their gods, their final figures of authority, supposedly have told them that a monkey, or a cow, to pick a cheap and easier illustration of the point, is more worthy of respect than a human being. This is because god, or their god, told them so. Or rather, because their divine writ said so.

That is why you find 1.2 billion Hindus, over a billion human beings, falling into the first category of the miserable souls that we talked about before, those who confuse truth with authority.

Now, of course, I am sure that amongst Hindus, or people born in that religion, there are a few who would not be deceived thus at any cost. It doesn’t matter what their forefathers or elders told them, about a cow being more divine, or being more worthy of respect and status than a human being, these few people would not believe it. This is because their reasoning, their soul, indeed their heart of hearts, would tell them ‘this is not true, this is not so, this is false, I don’t care who said it.’

So again, to restate for the third time this statement, because it deserves not only to be said again, but to be memorized;

It is misery to take truth as authority, instead of authority as truth.

We finished our coffee and then took leave of each other, and his words remained at the forefront of my mind.

Which type of person are you? Who are your authorities, and what do you take as the Truth?

Two Types of Souls. Truth, Authority, and the Dajjal’s Disguises Part 1

This conversation took place back on July 22 2010, in a small Coffeehouse. Brother soulaiman agreed to discuss a few matters after work, when some research was mentioned to him about certain highly influential literary figures, in particular occultist or counter-culture, rebel types. We were trying to understand the implications of brother soulaiman’s idea that many figures in history with cultural unusual influence possibly being the Dajjal in disguise, on specific ‘missions’ to engineer a society or culture’s beliefs, mores, and practices to take people away from the Truth and God, and towards his satanic ends.

He proceeded to explain to us something of the nature of the dajjal’s personalities and masks; the identities and disguises he ‘wears‘ in a sense, and the important subject of Truth versus Authority.

The Dajjal’s Many Hats: Masks, Persona, and Social Engineering.

“Every time he creates a personality, it’s engineered.” Soulaiman explained. “Each time the Dajjal creates a persona for himself, and “puts on a hat” so to speak, for that specific persona, it is engineered for that task.

For example, if the Dajjal wants to do social engineering of homosexuality, he’s going to engineer or manufacture a personality that suits that task at hand. In other words, a personality that allows him to get away with it. One which allows him wide publicity, and allows him all the necessary conditions for him to achieve his task. Does that make sense?”

“Completely.” I said. I asked if Aleister Crowley (Edward Alexander Crowley) would be an example. He indicated not only Crowley but a host of others, like Abu Nuwas (al-Hasan ibn Hani al-Hakami) – the influential Abbasid court-poet and hadith teacher whose blasphemous poetry praising buggery widely circulated in the Caliphate.

“If the Dajjal wants to influence, for example, Jewish theology he’s going to create a personality that would be perfect for the job.” Soulaiman continued. “For example, take a Jewish theologian .. Like Maimonides for example. This personality and image suits his audience and job.”

I thought about this and its implications for a moment. “So Soulaiman, lets say if he wants to influence a group of Sunni Muslims…”

“Then he will create the kind of personality that the Muslims would automatically – automatically, second nature, without a further thought – would respect. Indeed, would venerate.”

“Like an Imam? A Sheikh?”

“Not just an Imam. Think of a garb, a garb one wears, and the title that goes along with it, even of the choice of the name that you would choose for the individual with that title and garb.”

“Ah, like a fancy Abayah and Bisht, and a big turban or ghutra on the head?” I asked, trying to imagine this in my head.

“Sure, but think wider. For example, you would name yourself after a region.” He said.

He was talking about something beyond just the clothing, which I was fixated on, something more subtle.

“Take the name of someone from a certain classical Muslim region, let’s say ‘Qazwini’. So you have Sheikh Fulan al-Qazwini, for example. Or you have Son of Fulan, Sheikh Abdullah al-Khorasani, or Sheikh Fulan son of Fulan al-Hanafi al-Fulani al-Hijazi, or whatever. Thedescriptive add to one’s image in the ears and minds of one’s audience.”

“I think I get it. They have a resonance, they evoke a type of prestige?”

He explained further. “I am just giving you one example of a trick out of many. A title like that would just switch off critical reflection in many people if they heard or read it. 99.9% of Muslim communities anywhere would be completely mentally disabled by it, you know. They would have their thinking completely disabled after hearing that name. They just would automatically trust what a person with a name like that would say.”

I asked just by the name itself? And he explained that there were more nuances to this business. It was more complicated than just this, and I shouldn’t get caught up in just that one aspect.

There could be many things useful to the Dajjal in a particular personality. A name, or a title – like say Sheikh al-Islam. A mode of garb, or a certain style of beard. Even, however, facial expressions or body type. One community in one community may find a fat Sheikh, or a muscular one, or a thin emaciated one, more authoritative or convincing. Another community of Muslims could find the complete opposite to be convincing. In fact there are any number of things which, when observed, would convey the necessary authority to the audience at hand.

Please see part two.

Civilization, Society, Instinct and Logic – Part 3, A Devil you don’t know exists, whence Information comes, Reason Language and Logic

Peace upon those who seek it.

We need to expose a couple of axioms that are needed to further understand this work as it continues to unveil:

One; All information in the Universe is from Allah, thus all wisdom is from Allah.

Two; Thus information in this Universe can only be transferred, it is neither created nor destroyed inside of this closed system of a Universe.

Three; Any influx of New Information into humanity, and its subsequent manifestations, are from Allah. The nuzul of Revelation is a quantitative and Qualitative addition to the informational content of the universe itself.

Four; the Hadiths of the Dajjal Island and Ibn Sayyad must be understood if one is to have hope of understanding any of these matters.

The knowing of the first two seems easy but the actual understanding of them and their implications is difficult.  The third derives from the understanding of the first two, and our authority for the fourth statement is Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Allah ennoble his visage, in his narrated statement that the one who knows Ibn Sayyad is the Dajjal will be happy, and the one who does not will not be happy.

Civilization, Society, Instinct and Logic – Part 2, Programming, Choices, Language and Logic

Peace upon those who seek it.

Here we begin to look at Logic, and in what follows will return to logic. In any logical operation you can perform valid operations upon invalid data. If you start with the wrong axioms but use correct reasoning you will arrive at questionable conclusions. Now if you take wrong axioms, an then start to use wrong reasoning going step to step all the way, then you will simply arrive at stupid, bizarre, and throughly delusional conclusions. Here you will never be able to actually solve the problem at hand, but will simply knit for yourself a tangled web of delusion.

Look closely at every Kafir culture you have traveled to, witnessed, or lived in. Observe what they see as their “individuality” and “strength.”

Think to yourself, is it not truly quite as it seems? Does it not seem like the very opposite?

Civilization, Society, Instinct and Logic – Part 1, Memetics, Turds, and Education Share?

We examine Civilization, Culture, Environmental Degradation, Squared ashlars, and Memetic Programming, asking ourselves the differences between Civilizations of Kufr and Iman. We contemplate ways in which natural instinct, the notion of Fitrah, and developed social complexity fit together.

Disclaimer: When we use the terms Mumin (believer) and Kafir (mistranslated as infidel, actually hwever a rejector covering up truth, or ingrate) we use them in the most universally applicable sense throughout tens of thousands of years of human history, in discussing fundamental human dynamics independent of the formal name of the community in question. This article must be understood in the widest sense possible, as it covers the entire scope of planetary human history.

Part of Iman is accepting the things that we cannot change in ourselves and around us. Not accepting is essentially not submitting to Allah’s decree. The nations of the Kufar are afflicted with a psychological disorder, born of the tragedy that someone sold them a false bill of goods; comprising of a false reality.

When people buying this false bill finally come into contact with real reality, reality as it is in the world and not as it seems, then they don’t want it. This is of course by degrees, some find it easier to accept some aspects of reality than other, but essentially within a range of possible reactions they tend towards Rejecting the Real.