The secret every community was warned about

There are two types of people, one can read what they disagree with, and persist to the end. The other has been conditioned, or lacks the intelligence or patience, to do so. Decide which you are, for what we are going to lay out for you will challenge you and your most fundamental beliefs.

Those familiar with the Christians have heard of the idea of the anti-Christ, this idea that some great monster of wickedness, some evil king, will come to the world near the end of time and rule it during the time of a tribulation.
There is, believe it or not, a great secret in this.. but it’s not what you think.

There is some truth and some falsehood in this idea. And there is a deeper truth than anything Christianity has ever brought forward. But before you make this journey with us, ask yourself – do you have enough guts to question what you think you know?

After all, this is about your life, and the lives of those you love.

The world is full of clowns, their purpose is to distract you from what has been in front of your eyes your whole life. Forget Marilyn Mansion “Antichrist Superstar” – he’s as clueless as the people he makes fun of. Forget Crowley, the so-called Great Beast who died a syphilitic and drug riddled wreck. Forget the Christians who hated him and were as deluded as he was.

Forget Tim LaHaye and his Left Behind, forget Dan Brown and the Da Vinci code, forget the Pope, forget The Maitreya, forget everything you’ve heard about the Tribulation. A thousand different ideas, that no one knows what to do with. A thousand half truths that no one knows how to interpret, so you end up with a thousand different ideas, all contradictions.

Because it’s all wrong. There are scraps of truth meant to deceive you, because nothing tastes as sweet as the truth. And in a world full of lies, the smallest scent of the truth is like fresh air. But everything you’ve read about these things are simply fantasies, and make believe. And we have the proof.

Ultimate proof.

But, before you understand the real secrets behind what everyone’s been blabbering about we have to go on a journey. we have to look deep and far, in Languages almost no one around you speaks or reads, in books no one in a thousand mile radius of you have even heard of much less than read, we have to go back centuries into an earlier age, and work forward.

“The truth is out there” but only for those willing to grow the eyes to see..
and the minds to think.

  1. Hola,
    ЎIncreнble! No estб claro para mн, їcуmo offen que la actualizaciуn de su nombre de


  2. Hola,
    Interesante, no va a continuar con este artнculo?


    1. We will in due time, Allah willing. please be patient with us. it is the most complicated mystery under the sun. and the most unbelievable..until all the pieces are fit together.

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