Is There a Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax? – August 5 2010 [mp3]

Synopsis: Brothers Soulaiman Soussi and Ibn Abdulshafi discuss whether or not the idea of Global Warming is a Hoax, and explore the possibility of a Hoax EVEN IF average global temperatures really do show a rising trend, and even if human activities have contributed to this trend.

Audio Global Warming and Hoaxes, August 2010 – 45 min
(To listen to the file, click the play button, or right click and select “save link as”)

Is there a hoax? What are the signs of a hoax, how would you define a hoax if you were to encounter one in the street? What does the data really show, and why? These are the questions we explore.

As always the deceiver (dajjal) is linked to this matter, but how? This, we also discuss.