So.. what is the Dajjal?

As we said on the first page, the Dajjal is alive.

Some of you may be asking, who is the Dajjal? And others of you may know, or at least think that you know.

The Dajjal is the greatest deceiver of all time. He lives, and has walked this earth for millennia.

Do you want to know who it is ? You should, for this knowledge affects you.

We want to share a few things with you, and pour in your cup something refreshing. But if your cup is already full of stale water, how can it accept our milk?

Our purpose here is to simply invite you to consider a new way of looking at things, to put aside, if even just for a few moments, your assumptions. We invite you to be willing to see things through a different lens, from outside a different box.

Dajjal 101 – let’s break this down.

The phrase in Arabic “Massih ad-Dajjal” is translated as “the false messiah” or “the deceiving messiah.”

Scholars who Few Christians realize it, but this Arabic term is actually in some Christian scriptures – just the ones that no one in the West can read, for in the Syrian Pisshita, the scriptures in Aramaic that few Western Christians know exist, they speak of the Mšiha Daggala.

Scholars who wish to decieve you and cover the truth then claim that this is the source of the Islamic word, that it comes from Syriac scriptures. This is a lie. Dajjal is an ancient Arabic word, and it comes from the ancient Arabic verb dajala.

The Greek phrase “Antichristos” which we know in English as “Antichrist” is a rough interpretation of the Massih Dajjal. Anti in Greek didn’t mean “against” it rather had the meaning of “imposter” Christos, Christ, wasn’t a name. It’s a title, it means the Messiah, al-Massih – the Anointed one.

Of course, as we will prove to you soon, God willing, even the Syrian Christians lack the fullness of Islam’s understanding. Much was lost to them during the early years of the Nassara (Nazarenes) and the Ebionites – the original Semitic followers of Christ. Much was wiped out in bloodshed by Pagan kings and Emperors, and then later covered up by the Church. We shall prove this soon, and explain in depth God willing. But before any evangelical preacher starts talking about these things, first ask yourself, can he read the very languages that Jesus himself spoke? If not, then why is he even talking?

After all, this knowledge is about your life, and your soul. How do you know what you know? Who taught you, and how do they know, and what is their proof? Ask yourself these things.

Dahala means to cover up, it also means to deceive, to fake, or to swindle. It also means to gild over something, to cover something with a thin layer of gold so as to make it appear as if it was real gold, and it also means to cover a camel with pitch – tar – in order to hide the fact that it’s mangy.

In other words, a dajjal is someone who is a swindler, a liar, a cheat, “naughty”, a deceiver, and in this case, the specifc Dajjal we speak of is the antichrist. He gilds things, by covering falsehood in what appears to be the truth. In Arabic we would say he “yulabbis al-Haqq bil Batil, wa al-Batil bi Haqq

In other words, he is the most convincing, and most dangerous scam artist you will ever meet.

Those who say that Dajjal comes from Syriac are, essentially, being dajjals – they are covering up the truth by mixing falsehood and truth. The Arabic verb and meanings are more ancient than the Syriac, in fact languages like Syriac and Aramaic derive from ancient Arabic. In fact, something few people talk about, but that we will prove here, the Aramaeans were an Arabian people originally, from Aram, also known as Irim – an ancient Arabic civilization. The Israelites also were an Arabian people, this is why there are Arabic words in the oldest book of the Hebrew bible – Job. This is why even modern biblical scholars admit that Job (Ayyub) was an Arab.

But no one likes to talk about the critical fact that everyone in the middle east, all of the so-called Semitic peoples..

Were all Arabian. All from Arabia, and all speaking dialects of Arabic, and the further back in time you go the more their dialects sounded like Arabic. Biblical Hebrew 2000 years ago sounded more like broken Arabic than it sounds like Hebrew today, and Hebrew 3000 years ago sounded even more like Arabic. We have the proof for the waves of migration out of the Arabian peninsula thousands of years ago, and this proof is both linguistic and genetic.

And we will show you, God willing, in due course, the proof that your preacher has no idea about. Facts that can be proven, but some do not want to believe.

The scriptures of Islam have crucial, important teachings about this figure, he who would appear at the end of time as a tribulation (fitnah) for the world.

The Messiah ‘Isa (the real name for the Prophet Jesus in his original tongue) would return and assist the followers of the Rightly Guided leader of the few remaining good amongst mankind, this man is known as The Mahdi, the Guided one who is awaited, the few remaining believers in the world will be pitched in a terrible war – the greatest of all wars, Armageddon (Melhamat al-Kubra)

Before this, however, the Messiah (al-Massih) would be preceded by a man of great evil who will seduce almost the entire world away from the truth and establish central governance over the whole planet. He will pretend to be the Messiah (Masih) and most of the world, the vast majority, will believe him. He will then claim godhood and through certain sciences and arts be able to delude the masses into believing in him.

Only very few people will be able to recognize who he truly is, and thus able to escape his tribulation.

Here is truth, if you want to consider it and think it over:

You are now in his tribulation. And you have been your entire life. So have your parents, and your parents parents, and your parents parents before them even. In fact..

Everything that you see around you, as our “civilization” as our “culture” is a system that is, in itself, actually none other than his tribulation.. and has been for a very, very, long time.

We have the proof for this astonishing statement, and God willing we will be able to shed light on it with so much detail, that everything you ever was taught will be seen in an entirely new light.

But first we have to build a new tower from scratch, tear down the old edifice of half truth and half lies, and begin anew.

The meaning of the word dajjal has secrets wrapped in it. On the surface it means a deceiver.

The Prophet Muhammad, blessings upon him, warned the people of many signs of the Dajjal’s appearance, these warnings contain the clues to understanding some of the meanings of his name, he taught us where to look for protection from his trials and harm, he taught us explicitly his physical appearance, and what he looked like. Things you have never been taught and that no religion before Islam spoke of, although every Prophet warned his people of these things in general terms. After all, you do have the Antichrist in the bible, and even some Jewish teachings speak of an evil king Armilus who will oppose the messiah in the end times.

But no one has taught you this important fact – the Dajjal will be one-eyed.

His left eye will work, but his right eye will be damaged. And one of these eyes will be covered by thick film, and the other will be protruding like a bulging out grape.

He will be a reddish-white man with lank hair.
And he will be robust and muscular in shape, in fact quite huge.

There are many other explicit signs, and this topic needs to be considered deeply before we share more information. Because deeper matters are afoot. These signs are not symbolic and mysterious, like in the bible. There is some symbolism, but also solid description. Natural descriptions. Common sense descriptions.

Signs that if you read them today, and walked aroThe Dajjal is alive.
The greatest deceiver of all time is alive, and has been alive and walking this earth since time immemorial.

Do you want to know who it is ?
End your mental block, you would be convinced that the world was near its end. Signs that are just that explicit.

The secret every community was warned about

There are two types of people, one can read what they disagree with, and persist to the end. The other has been conditioned, or lacks the intelligence or patience, to do so. Decide which you are, for what we are going to lay out for you will challenge you and your most fundamental beliefs.

Those familiar with the Christians have heard of the idea of the anti-Christ, this idea that some great monster of wickedness, some evil king, will come to the world near the end of time and rule it during the time of a tribulation.
There is, believe it or not, a great secret in this.. but it’s not what you think.

There is some truth and some falsehood in this idea. And there is a deeper truth than anything Christianity has ever brought forward. But before you make this journey with us, ask yourself – do you have enough guts to question what you think you know?

After all, this is about your life, and the lives of those you love.

The world is full of clowns, their purpose is to distract you from what has been in front of your eyes your whole life. Forget Marilyn Mansion “Antichrist Superstar” – he’s as clueless as the people he makes fun of. Forget Crowley, the so-called Great Beast who died a syphilitic and drug riddled wreck. Forget the Christians who hated him and were as deluded as he was.

Forget Tim LaHaye and his Left Behind, forget Dan Brown and the Da Vinci code, forget the Pope, forget The Maitreya, forget everything you’ve heard about the Tribulation. A thousand different ideas, that no one knows what to do with. A thousand half truths that no one knows how to interpret, so you end up with a thousand different ideas, all contradictions.

Because it’s all wrong. There are scraps of truth meant to deceive you, because nothing tastes as sweet as the truth. And in a world full of lies, the smallest scent of the truth is like fresh air. But everything you’ve read about these things are simply fantasies, and make believe. And we have the proof.

Ultimate proof.

But, before you understand the real secrets behind what everyone’s been blabbering about we have to go on a journey. we have to look deep and far, in Languages almost no one around you speaks or reads, in books no one in a thousand mile radius of you have even heard of much less than read, we have to go back centuries into an earlier age, and work forward.

“The truth is out there” but only for those willing to grow the eyes to see..
and the minds to think.