Announcing New Series – Pr0ph3cy By Numb3rs

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[ Part One: Important Warning ] [ Part Two: Asking The First Questions ] [ Part Three: First Examined Hadiths ] [ Part Four: The Question of Generations, Another Hint ]

Addendum – Can Jesus, the Mahdi and the dajjal surpass or even match The Avengers?
Manipulation of Prophecy The Future and YOU
[Part 1: Past Ummahs and Our Delusions – Part 2:Contrasting Present and Past – Part 3:The Trap and Background Music – Part 4:Miracles in the Seemingly un-Miraculous – Part 5:Conclusion, Crux and Solution]

Dear reader, in the weeks that follow we shall intrigue you, by presenting before you an astonishing new series, in which we break down, and examine, the key to understanding Prophecy concerning this last Age’s length, term, and indeed end.

Everything you wondered about the Mahdi (upon him peace), and the lifespan of this Last Ummah, as well as the emergence of the Dajjal and the Sufyani in Greater Syria.

This information and the interpretations surrounding its contents should not be taken lightly, and are the result of a lifetime of dedicated research and unimaginable sacrifice by the researcher and analyst, may Allah reward him.

Sit down, buckle your seat belts, and await the first installment.

One word of warning, and a hint:

Many in the Ummah today find themselves accidentally lying against the Prophet (SAAWS) not by commission but rather by omission and by denying narrations and hadiths that possess incontrovertible probative status. Realize, and we shall speak more upon this, that the penalty of lying against the Blessed Prophet (Benedictions and Peace unto him) is to reserve one’s seat in the fires of hell, and that invalidating statements he may have said, because it doesn’t suit expectations or agendas, is just another form of lying.

Contemplate this thoroughly for you must need understand it. We shall speak more of these matters soon.
Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahi

[ Part One: Important Warning ] [ Part Two: Asking The First Questions ] [ Part Three: First Examined Hadiths ] [ Part Four: The Question of Generations, Another Hint ]

Audio 1 – Startling Prophesies of Libya and Alexandria Translated.

For technical reasons the Audio has been disabled for now. If Allah allows transcripts may be posted.

01:03 – MP3 Audio – Libya, Alexandria, and the Science of Islamic Prophesy
(Click play, or right click “save link as”)Libya and Alexandria, a Warning to the Ummah

Please read the
Arabic Text here, English translations and commentary will be posted soon, God willing.

More on the Science of Islamic Prophesy, and a warning to Libya and Egypt: The wise will heed, as for the foolish may God help them. Time is short, and the opening is from Allah alone. And he and his messenger know best.

Our conversation translates and comments on a number of ancient Islamic Prophesies on the Battle of Alexandria (Melhamat al-Iskandariya), it’s place in the End-time Battles (al-Malaahim) and how they relate to Libya, and the ancient Roman province of Pentapolis (in Arabic al-Antabolis).

We discuss the translated meaning of the name Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi.

We discuss the prophesy of the Libyan figure – the Ahmaq of Quraysh (the idiot Madman of Libya’s leaders), his journey to the Romans, his honored reception and podium, and his return followed 20 months later by an invasion of Roman ships, how the Romans and their Kings are a coalition, and how this coalition will invade by means of deception, and having secured Libya will then threaten Egypt itself.

We discuss the deeper meaning of the Quraysh in Islamic Prophesy.

We discuss how these, and other, prophesies fit into contemporary news, the great trap awaiting the rebels/anti-Qaddafi mujaheddin, and we hint a bit at Qaddafi’s further end-game, and how Western intervention plays in this. There is more to these narrations than time allows, for now this must suffice as a beginning.

For our non-Muslim fiends and non-Arabic speaking Muslims we are working on English text translations. The Arabic text will be given on a separate page. The isnads are not listed because for the purpose of this specific analysis, a thematic content based comparative one, analysis of sanads are superfluous. (Isnad analysis is an important feature of other aspects of this work, and may be looked at in the future, time allowing)

Anyone who has a problem with this can seek knowledge elsewhere, we are not going to debate points, our duty is to present specific information and specific analysis and those who are uninterested can go where their Lord best desires.

The isnad is an important feature of Islamic texts without doubt, past scholars did realize something lost on many contemporary Muslims – the sanad is not the only criterion of textual authenticity. Our present analysis, here, is based on thematic comparison of narrations in their matan. If time permits we will explain in the future how our methodology was used by past scholars, and our further reasons. If time and life do not permit we ask Allah’s forgiveness.

Prophesies of Alexandria and Libya – Arabic Text.

A Selection of Prophetic Narrations in Arabic on Libya, Antapolis, the Battle of Alexandria, Egypt, and the Idiot Madman (al-Ahmaq) of Libya. Sanads (transmission chains) omitted for later analysis.

ما يروى في الأسكندرية وأطراف مصر ومواحيزها في خروج الروم

عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال إذا رأيت دهقانين من دهاقين العرب هربا إلى الروم فذلك علامة وقعة الأسكندرية

سمعت عبد الله بن عمرو يقول علامة ملحمة الأسكندرية إذا رأيتم دهقانين من دهاقين العرب خرجا إلى الروم فهو علامة ملحمة الأسكندرية

عن كعب قال وددت لا أموت حتى أشهد يوم الأسكندرية قيل له أليس قد فتحت ؟ قال ليس هذا يومها إنما يومها إذا جاءها مائة سفينة في إثرها مائة سفينة حتى تتم سبعمائة وفي أثر ذلك مثل ذلك فذلك يومها والذي نفس كعب بيده ليقتتلن حتى يبلغ الدم أرساغ الخيل

ثم يكون من يوم خروجه إلى الروم عشرين شهرا ثم يقبل بالروم إلى الأسكندرية في سفنهم فتلقاهم ريح شديدة لا يرجع منهم إلى أرض الروم إلا مخبر

ملحمة الأسكندرية على يدي طبارس بن أسطبيان إذا نزل مركب بالمنارة فوضع ثم رفع ثلاث مرات فإذا انتصف النهار جاءكم بأربعمائة حتى ينزلوا عند المنارة

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص أنه كان بالأسكندرية فقيل تراءت مراكب ففزع الناس فقال عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص اسرجوا ثم قال من أي ناحية تراءت ؟ قالوا من ناحية المنارة فقال حلوا إنما نخاف عليها من ناحية المغرب.

كنا عند عبد الله بن عمرو بالأسكندرية فقيل له إن الناس فقد فزعوا فأمر بسلاحه وفرسه فجاءه رجل فقال من أين هذا الفزع ؟ قال سفين تراءت من ناحية قبرس قال انزعوا عن فرسي قال فقلنا أصلحك الله إن الناس قد ركبوا فقال ليس هذا بملحمة الأسكندرية إنما يأتون من نحو المغرب من نحو أنطابلس فتأتي مائة ثم مائة حتى عد سبعمائة.
“ذكر ابن وهب ، عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص أنه قيل له بالاسكندرية : إن الناس قد فزعوا فأمر بسلاحه و فرسه فجاءه رجل فقال من أين هذا الفزع ؟ قال : سفن تراءت من ناحية قبرس قال : انزعوا عن فرسي .
قال : قلنا اصلحك الله إن الناس قد ركبوا .
فقال : ليس هذا بملحمة الإسكندرية إنما يأتون من ناحية المغرب من نحو أنطابلس فيأتي مائة ثم مائة حتى عدد تسعمائة

للأسكندرية ملحمتان إحداهما الكبرى والأخرى الصغرى فأما الكبرى فيتباعد البحر من المنارة بريدا أو بريدين ثم تخرج كنوز ذي القرنين تسع كنوزها المشرق والمغرب وعلامة الصغرى أن الأسكندرية تقطر دما.

تكون ملحمة الأسكندرية على يدي طبارس بن أسطبيان بن الأخرم بن قسطنطين بن هرقل.

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص قال إن الروم تعد سبعمائة سفينة ثم تقبل فيها إلى الأسكندرية وعلى الأسكندرية رجل من قريش فيكيدون المسلمين بسفائن يوجهونها إلى المسالح الصغار التي غرب الأسكندرية فيفرق القرشي خيله نحو تلك السفن المغربة تسايرها وبعض خيله عنده قال عبد الله يا أحمق لا تفرق خيلك قال فينزلون فيقاتلونهم المسلمون حتى تضطر الروم المسلمين إلى سوق الحيتان فيقتتلون حتى يبلغ الدم ثنن الخيل ثم تأتي المسلمين راية مددا لهم فإذا رآها الروم توجهوا إلى مراكبهم فركبوها ثم دفعوا فساروا حتى يقول الذي في بصره ضعف ما أرآهم ويقول الحديد البصر إنى لأرى أخرياتهم فيبعث الله عليهم ريحا عاصفا فتردهم إلى الأسكندرية فتنكسر مراكبهم ما بين الأسكندرية والمنارة فيأسرونهم بأجمعهم إلا مركب واحد ينجو بأهله حتى إذا أتوا بلادهم فأخبروهم خبر ما لقوا بعث الله على ذلك المركب ريحا عاصفا فردته إلى الاسكندرية فينكسر فيأخذوا من فيه.

على الأسكندرية يومئذ في ملحمتها رسول أحمق قريش فتكون الملحمة بسوق الحيتان ويضع ملوك الروم كراسيهم بقيسارية والقبة الخضراء وبيوحنس وينحاز المسلمون إلى مسجد سليمان حتى تغشاهم طليعة العرب فيهم فارس على فرس أغر مجيب فيه بلقه على كوم المنارة قال أبوه فلو أشاء أن أخبركم حيث يضع أمير الروم رأيته يومئذ ينزل بين الخضراء القديم إلى المنارة مما يلي الأسكندرية

علامة ملحمة دمياط ألوية تخرج من مصر إلى الشام يقال لها ألوية الضلالة

أول مواحيز مصر يخربه العدو نقيوس

قال عبد الله بن تعلى لابنته إذا بلغك أن الأسكندرية قد فتحت فإن كان خمارك بالغرب فلا تأخذيه حتى تلحقي بالمشرق

يا أهل مصر ستقطع عليكم مواحيزكم الشتاء مع الصيف فاختاروا لأنفسكم خيرها قالوا وما خيرها ؟ قال كل ماحوز لا يحيط به الماء ثم يكلب عليكم العدو ويرابطونكم في مواحيزكم حتى أن أحدكم لينظر إلى دخان قدره فلا يصل إليها شفقا أن يخالفه العدو إلى أهله

عن كعب قال : إني لأجد في كتاب الله المنزل على موسى بن عمران أن للإسكندرية شهداء يستشهدون في بطحائها خير من مضى و خيرمن بقى ، و هم الذين يباهي الله عز و جل بهم شهداء بدر.”

إن للأسكندرية ملحمتين إحداهما الصغرى والأخرى الكبرى فأما الصغرى فيأتيها خمسمائة قلع وأما الكبرى فيأتيها مائة قلع يقبل في الصغرى سبعون عريفا ويقتل في الكبرى أربعماية عريف علامة الصغرى أن البحر يستأخر من المنارة بريدين ثم تخرج كنوز ذي القرنين تسع كنوزه أهل المشرق والمغرب.

عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال ملحمة الأسكندرية تقبل الروم من نحو أنطابلس حتى إذا بلغوا منحر البرذون من أرض لوبيه بلغ صاحب الأسكندرية خبرهم فيبعث إليهم مجنبته فلا يرجعون إليه حتى ينزل الروم الأسكندرية فياليتني لحيق قريش يومئذ هنا فأقول يا أحمق إحبس عليك خيلك فإنهم يغشونك.

Conclusion to our talk on Gaddafi, the ‘Mad Man’ who wasn’t.

Our final comments on this matter, you are invited to consider these points:

What influence do covert agencies have on the Muslim revolutions? When is a revolution legitimate and when not? Will these revolutions ever come to a conclusion? What does the conclusion look like?

00:32.minutes – Audio Talk – MP3 – Conclusion of Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t
(Click the play button, or right click and “save link as”)
MP3 – Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t, Part 3(02/24/2011)

Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t – Part 2 [mp3]

For technical reasons the Audio has been disabled for now. If Allah allows transcripts may be posted.

In this talks we further discuss the mystery surrounding Qaddafi and why this so-called “Mad Man of Libya” really is not as “Mad” as people thought.
We discuss his murderous role in destabalizing North Africa and many other regions in the world, and expose 40 years of his manipulations. From mucking up and corrupting the IRA, Palestinians, and the Moros – to his support for Polisario Sahara terrorists and many other terrorist activities in the 70’s – 80’s Gaddafi’s massive wealth and operating as a 5th Column while at the same time assisting the West’s agenda – but of course, who is the piper behind the scenes?

00:32.minutes – Audio Talk – MP3 – Part 2 Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t
(Click the play button, or right click and “save link as”)
MP3 – Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t, Part 2(02/24/2011)

Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t – Part 1 [mp3]

For technical reasons the Audio has been disabled for now. If Allah allows transcripts may be posted.

In these talks we discuss Qaddafi The “Mad Man of Libya” who, it turns out, really wasn’t as “Mad” as people thought.
We discuss his role in the massacre of the Darfur Muslims in Sudan, his support of Terrorism around the role, and his role in undermining and co-opting legitimate freedom struggles, and finally Qaddafi’s place in the current geo-political scheme and why he has been so valuable to the Corporatist and Globalist manipulators for over 40 years, and finally whether he is a mole or something far, far, more dangerous.

00:30.minutes – Audio Talk – MP3 – Part 1 Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t
(Click the play button, or right click and “save link as”)
MP3 – Part 1 Gaddafi The Mad Man Who Wasn’t, Part 1(02/24/2011)

Message to Egypt, Chess the Game of Kings, the Mahdi, Analysis of the Revolution

Chess is the game of Kings, We fear that in this hour of apparent victory against the Mubarak Regime, certain traps are being laid.

Themes: Elections, American Freedom, the Algerian Slaughter, False Flag Attacks, Omar Suleiman, consolidation of Government Bureaus, guerilla tactics

18 Minute Conclusion (for those who want to cheat and jump to the end):

Full Political Islamic Analysis of the Egyptian Situation.

In the News – Ding Dong, the Dong Feng Missile

Peace upon all who seek guidance,

Ding Dong ! The Dong Feng is here !
Examine these links, our commentary is below:

The tragedy of our American Country, some have observed, is that we often appear to be a country of misdirected sheep.

Millions fear the so-called Taliban, and mythological shoe bombing terrorists who live in caves; however a far greater, and far more real, menace has been quietly gathering ground.

And unlike “us” in the USA, the State of China are very directed and focused. The articles below just in the news should interest

A few may object, at the “elite” level of the “owners of capital” and the means of production, on the level of corporate and financial elites (and our analysis of so-called elites will soon be posted) there is interlocking of interests and power.

The matter is far more simple, and yet at the same time more complex than people make it out to be.

Yes, there does appear the illusion of interlocking power interests among so-called “ruling classes” or “governing classes” or certain narrow “elite classes” elements, in the West and China. But these so called classes, are more coteries or cliques – often small and insular functionaries of other entities than would first appear, say 10 or 15 neo-con policy wonks, or something like that.

And sure, certainly on a high corporate executive level, and higher still, the level of global finance interests, but ultimately these people really don’t fully know what’s going on anyway, either..

It would be most unwise if you let this distract your eyes from other levels of reality. We assure you, the Chinese government and military absolutely pose a mortal and existential threat to people of the USA, and the Western World in General, and they pose an immense threat to the peoples of the middle east, and the rest of Asia in general.

The Koreans, Japanese, and Indonesians in general, should feel fear now.

Once the US military and government and its usefulness is at an end.

Few know the degree to which the American empire had a specific historical purpose and role, once this is done there will be successors to the American State, on the world’s stage, and China fully intends to be that successor.

Those who believe that the American empire is bloodthirsty have not seen anything quite yet. The century of China yet remains.

The Mysterious Island 2 – Shocking Conclusion, Tamim al-Dari Lost, on the Island of the Dajjal, and a Psyop..

Audio Talk – MP3 – Part 1 talk on Tamim al-Dari the dajjal and the Mysterious Island
(Click the play button, or right click and “save link as”)
MP3 – Tamim al-Dari Hadith and the Mysterious Island, Part 2(12/2010)

We wrap up our exploration of Fatima Bin Qays’ narration of Tamim al-Dari’s (Allah be pleased with them both) adventure on the Island . We disclose a shocking twist to the story, a new never-before uttered in public interpretation based on the authentic Sunnah.

The clincher to the story of the Dajjal Island, where the deceiver’s psychological set-up, the deceiver’s curious plot-twist. The main shocking revelation, and the very difficult questions it poses su all.

On What were the messengers allowed to reveal. On why the Prophet (saws) laughed on the minbar.
On the outlandish hair covered creature “al-Jassassa” – a funny-looking clear arabic speaking creature. On the chains and the lock-up. On the Prophet’s (saws) difficult task – of how to convince the companions of the gravity of the dajjal, a remote and unseen man in a story, and how Allah facilitated his imparting the reality of this – something that is but a remote and distant topic to the companion’s daily lives – by presenting someone who actually truly met the man.

How long will it take to understand the true magnitude of this ploy and the size of this topic?

On the Prophetic testimony that “the dajjal is from the east” not in the West. Listen to it, and think it over. Evidence from the Sunnah itself contradicting the wrong story of the set-up. The spider web, and Tamim al-Dari’s escape to safety from the hidden sticky web.

On the major, dangerous, failure in your daily war against Iblis and his human ally.
On the big disrespect to the Prophet (saws) that many Muslims casually make. Does it make sense to say the messenger of Allah, bringer of the Quran, a revelation of all things, did not know who the dajjal was? Even the bible states that the Prophet (saws) and Moses prophesied that the Prophet (saws) WOULD SHOW YOU ALL THINGS.

The Quran itself states that is a clarification of all things, and “we have left nothing out of the book” – it is all there, the dajjal is mentioned in the Quran though many Muslim scholars say he is not, the book of Allah did not leave out one of the most important topics in human history, the topic of the dajjal, the great deceiver, the Anti-Christ.
Inshallah if we live long enough we will move to this point eventually, showing you where the topic of the dajjal is mentioned in the Quran (and even made referenced to by some of the salaf, though few read the original sources closely enough…)

The dajjal is alive, free, roams the earth as we speak: plots, deceives, schemes, and attacks those who are not watchful, mindful of their actions and deeds, may.

Our job – doing what the Prophet (saws) did, to make the believing Muslims alive to the reality of the dajjal, and realizing the true and imminent danger in their daily lives, just as the Prophet (saws) did with his own companions. Confirming the reality right there in front of you, not remote, not distant, alive and active in your world

The point is this – the deceiver is out there, and he deceives, that is the point. Island or no Island, that is not relevant – if he is talking he is lying, because he is a deceiver. Our goal is to make this more and more real to our audience. Bringing the Quran, Hadith, and news Reports from companions who met the dajjal himself,
And Allah gives success.

China: Part 4 – Our future enslavement / extermination of memetic others, [mp3]

Disclaimer: Again, if you are listening to or reading this, any of the group descriptions we make probably do not refer to you. We are not talking about races here, rather we are talking about memetics, linguistic, and cultural and religious programming. If you are offended by any of this, then you are not fully considering the issues at hand.

Audio Talk – China Series: Why what you don’t know will enslave you – Part 4
(Click the play button, or right click and “save link as”)
MP3 – China Series: Why what you don’t know will enslave you – Part 4(10/2010)

Synopsis China talk, part 4: Recap, our warning to our Japanese and Taiwanese friends. Ancestor worship inevitably leading to racism.

Consider if one sees you as a bug almost a different species, do you think you really matter beyond their mountain range? Example of Ghengis Khan’s horde, from behind their wall, saw no similarity to other people, no poems about their enemies, just extermination. Differing between mentalities, Crusades and European wars and then contact over the years, Templars similarity, adopting language and food of the Muslims, Europeans seeing similarities with Muslims after the initial onslaught – versus utter extermination by people who see themselves as almost a different species.

Templars who became Muslims, the early forms of crypto-Islam in Rosicrucian, Freemasons, etc., the Church’s purge on Templars, Friday 13th, why Friday? Secret suppression of all Templar lodges on Friday and their eradication, baphomet and the satanic PR campaign to bury the true history of the Templars, the secret of the Ram symbolism, Newton’s pure monotheism the same as Muslims, all of this points to affinity between European and Islamic mind. No such affinity felt with the main-land Chinese, you are not part of the group.

What about Chinese who settled in the west, they are not part of the Herd and are immune to what we are talking about, culturally western Chinese immigrants have different memetic frame sets, younger Chinese growing up in the West speak a different language, and learning a new language alters your memetics.
Important diagnostic factor is language barrier. In fact, young Chinese in the West could explain the thought differences better than we could. Mao Tze Tsung, 21st century dictatorship, out of 1.4 billion people, where are the proportional protests against dictatorship? Herd mindset.

Synchronized marches, perfect synchronization, herds of marchers. Many other anecdotal phenomenon, add it up and you realize someone has herded this people into a synchronized army, the largest synchronized killing machine in history, and the individuals caught up in it do not realize they have a choice not to obey the mental and operational military order. E.g. Memetic organization of the entire population to compel obedience of the leader in a militaristic way.

Why is there not even an active campaign by the CIA to infiltrate the Chinese mindset, unlike the CIA’s moderate Muslim movement, mosque in New York, etc. Chinese peoples and others in the region need to consider their options, for the greater herd is on the march and moving to its eventual goal – hegemony, the next and last super power on the earth.
You all need to make a choice what to do when this machine marches at you, do you get out of the way, or do you try to stop it. What could have been done, what can still yet be done, or not, will be our next topic.