9 Points for Smart folks to think about today (whether you are Muslim or not)

Peace upon those who seek it.

Over the years in our conversations with Soulaiman Soussi he’s mentioned some interesting points that have stuck with us. Imagine a single word or phrase subtly changing the way you see the world, opening you up to a different view point, allowing you to see the familiar on ways you were incapable of before. Because often times we are so used to thinking about things in one way only that we might miss absolutely obvious things right in front of our eyes.

These nine themes can be worked out further and formalized, but they stand here as a few points for clever or smart people to think about today, no matter if you are a Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, or even Scientologists. Or something else altogether.

Each in themselves stand as formal laws in the deciphering work, and can be restated to give them full justice.

And what’s more, if you’re Muslim, even a light and passing consideration of these themes should have a medicating affect on those afflicted with the Kharijite/Wahaibist/Salafist memetic strain.

If you can’t make your way through this list consider it a useful weeding out filter; do you really want to be the type of person who has higher than a snowball’s chance on a hot day of figuring out the enigma of the Dajjal? Do you want to be one of those souls who might be able to penetrate beneath the surface of things, and possibly do something useful once they’ve done so, or not?

If so then these themes will help you.

Point 1. If you can’t name the beast then you can’t control or fight it. If you can’t name it then you cannot have certain knowledge of it. If you do not have certain knowledge of it then you cannot build on it.

Consider this; if you are certain of your last step then its easier to take the next step after. Think about it. When your previous step was made in certainty your next step will be easier, but if your previous step was made in doubt your next step will be much harder. In this way, nothing solid can be built on doubt or speculation. Speculative doubt (dhan, ظانّ ) can get you started looking and investigating in a direction, but you cannot build something solid or lasting on it.

When you name something then you can mentally handle and manipulate the concept. You can refer to it and explore it. If you cannot “put your finger on it” if it is “ineffable” if you “cannot articulate it” you may know it implicitly, in a sort of latent way, then you cannot extrapolate on your knowledge of the beast. You cannot usefully build upon your doubt, or do much with it.

Yet most everyone builds on doubt, all the time, everywhere. But they end up with an increasingly unstable edifice, as they get to the top, the present, the now.

Once you have named the thing, then you can begin to truly contend with it. Therefore the word is important. If you “have the words” for something, then you are in a position to begin to do something with it.

Point 2. The first rule of history is, never underestimate its people. Do not assume that the people in the past were more stupid than you are. It’s quite possible they were smarter in many ways. This applies to politics, migrations, building, or any domain of past human life.

When you see historical figures do something that seems to you to be puzzling, naive, or stupid, it is foolish to assume they didn’t know what they were doing or were stupid and naive. Whether it’s Abu Bakr ibn Abi Qhuhafa and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, or Sargon ben La’ibum, or Julius Caesar and Vercingetorix, people in history were often not only as clever as you think you are, but sometimes more clever.

Pay attention to this, if you are attributing something to a past figure that you would not apply to yourself, out of charity or generosity, assuming they were naive about something, beware. They don’t need your charity. They went about their lives quite well without you and your charity. This is a sign you really don’t understand what was going on, or that your understanding is lacking. And if your understanding happens to be borrowed from other authorities, then their understanding was lacking. If you are charitable with a past figure you think you understand, but ultimately you understand nothing.

If someone in history did a thing for which you would judge yourself in a certain way if you were do it, then do not be charitable about it.

There were Paleolithic and neolithic people more wily, perceptive, and penetrating in thought than any of us. They did not have our technology, or our scientific knowledge of how the world really works, but this doesn’t mean they couldn’t do incredibly rational things with what they had.

Many of these people, if they were put in your shoes and given your own gadgets, could probably do things that you couldn’t even conceive. You and I are not that clever.

This rule is one that fringe “Ancient Astronaut theorists” flagrantly violate. This is because they are not that clever, and simply cannot conceive that people with stone-age mentalities could figure out how to do what seems to be incredible things.

But people with stone-age mentalities had the same basic drives we do today, just fewer gadgets to distract themselves with. Instead of tweeting or poking around on Facebook, or any number of distractions that have steadily mounted for the last 300 years or so, they had a long time to figure out how to move really big rocks. What’s that impressive about moving really big rocks and piling them on-top of each other? Have you wondered why the Quran constantly mentions ancient perished So what if the Bosnia pyramids may appear to have an ancient cement aggregate like coating. Is it that far of a leap that people 7000 years ago couldn’t have figured out how to crush certain rocks, cook them, and mix them with water?

Point 3. Know your stuff, and know how to think. A good way to learn how to think is this; Go read Sir Author Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. The original ones. All of them. Indeed, read them twice.

If you read them as a child then sit down, and re-read them. Pay close attention to how Holmes thinks. After you do this, here is something that you need to understand. Sherlock Holmes is not the real smart guy.

It’s his brother Mycroft Holmes. Mycroft is the guy who never leaves his club.

Notice that every time Sherlock gets in a truly deep bind that he can’t even think his way out of, he goes and visits this old establishment club, and chats with his brother Mycroft whose only occupation in life, outside of occasional Government Intelligence work, is sitting in an armchair reading newspapers all day long.

When Soulaiman Soussi gave us this advice, he mentioned that when he was younger this bit about Mycroft stuck with him.

If you know your stuff, really know your stuff, you don’t have to run all around the world, you can survey and understand the world from your armchair.

If you want to be able to better think, about the world and its politics, or even about religion, scripture, the Qur’an and hadith, or anything else even, go read some Sherlock Holmes and actually think about what you are reading.

Point 4. The Qur’an has to be read intelligently, this means pay attention to things like grammar. Grammar is a key to understanding the Qur’an. Structured grammar is the key to real language in the proper sense, as opposed to informal spoken dialect. You have to read the Qur’an the way a mathematician reads equations and handles variables, constants, and symbols.

The Qur’an’s grammar matters absolutely and conveys vital meaning. Tense, person, case, all matter for the message.

What is obvious to the wise is subtle to the dummy. If something is worded in the dual and not the plural then it is that way for a reason. If there is a dialog or discourse between people, and you ignore its changes in tense, mood, and person, then you will ignore part of it’s message.

Classical Arabic, the most ancient living language in the world, has a structured and formal grammar unlike that of any other ancient language. This formal grammar conveys meaning on a mathematical level. Sanskrit does not, Avestan Persian does not, and everything out there written about them and their grammar is post-Islamic, when you examine it. Arabic is the formal model of a language that all of these other ancient languages try to match up to. The Qur’an’s use of Classical Arabic conveys information mathematically, precisely; if you do not understand the grammar deeply, you will miss much of the message even if you understand the vocabulary.

Point 5. Henry Truman once said that nothing is new but the history you don’t know. However what you don’t know should be intolerable to you. Therefore, catch up already.

In the so-called “Truth Movement” it’s common for people to say they “woke up.” You see this idea of “waking up” being discussed more and more.

It’s like this. Most people float and dream their way through life, on assumptions and what little they were taught. Until the rug is pulled out from under their feet by faceless nameless forces they only half understand.

When this happens they react, thinking that they are waking up. In reality they are simply reacting to the immediate stimulus. The reaction is usually out of nostalgia and sentimental seeking a half remembered past that they thought was better.

You fear what happens when you don’t obey the authority figures you were trained to obey.

When people talk about “waking up” to “the world as it is” they are talking about things no one is concerned about until it personally hits them. These same people are content while it hits someone else.

The faceless authorities whom you think manipulate you and your life rely on this, and on how malleable you and your children are. Reflect on this; our society now accepts as normal children being literally drugged by their school authorities. Most people now see this as commonsense normalcy. Few actually reflect and think about what it took to get to this level. Fewer do so unless it affected their family first.

They fall right back into another dream because of the failure of it, it was all personal and selfish, I was not a universal true awakening out of empathy and understanding for everyone, and not just themselves. It would be harder to fall back into the walking dream if their wake-up was a true and universal one.

Point 6. Everyone makes too big of a deal of their culture, history and language. Only someone who is truly multicultural and multilingual can critique other cultures’ and languages’ mediocrity as well as their own. This starts with a radical sort of honesty: the honesty of being a person who can see their own people’s, culture’s, and language’s mediocrity.

Most people lack the courage, or the ability, to see their own family’s, culture’s, and people’s mediocrity.

This is where we get self-aggrandizing lies, in national, racial and ethnic narratives and in historical literature. Entire systems of thought have been erected, academic schools of thought and governments formed, and untold millions of human souls reduced to thralldom, slavery, and massacre on the basis of self-aggrandizing liars making things up about their family, ancestors, folk, people, race, and their nation.

These stories and narratives exist because they are unable to face the mundane nature of their situation and past. They do not want to admit their own mediocrity. This prevents them from changing.

Point 7. Change cannot occur in a closed system, a body moving at a constant speed will roll continually until affected by an outside force. Left alone, each of us is a closed system, until someone else comes along. Just because we are adults doesn’t mean that we are entirely self-sufficient. Sometimes people need someone, an outside agent, to awaken something inside of them.

“The hand of Allah is above their hands,” (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُبَايِعُونَكَ إِنَّمَا يُبَايِعُونَ اللَّـهَ يَدُ اللَّـهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ) Qur’an chapter 48 verse 10(سورة الفتح – ١٠). The hands of many is being spoken of here, not the hand of one person.

Each of us sometimes needs someone to be with us, to bring up a new idea, for something new to happen. The whole world, in this sense, is a closed system, and rarely punctured with someone bringing something new. This is what Prophethood (Nubuwwa) is all about.

The world sits as a closed memetic system, with different permutations and variations of existing old ideas and concepts bouncing around, playing out, until someone and something comes in from Outside and contributes something new. A memetic catalyst, if you will.

Like a chemical catalyst, a very small amount of this catalyst acts like a dye in a vat of liquid. A small amount changes the color of the entire vat. Or it is like opening a skylight, in a room of absolute darkness. Suddenly the room has light.

History from that point is an unfolding of the consequences of this new body of ideas. Some people steal from it, take a bit from it but not acknowledge its source, and try to integrate or harmonize it with their old tired inherited crap, legacies from others unquestioningly passed on. Some people are honest, acknowledge it, and try to carry it while not fully understanding what they try their best to carry.

An infinitesimally small few will, however, deeply explore and plumb it, try to renew it when it is forgotten, and only the one who does dare strip themselves of their “precious”inheritance is able to gain full understanding of the whole of it, in a way that the rest of humanity declined to.

Point 8. Dishonest people do not acknowledge their teachers and sources. This is the basis of intellectual and personal dishonesty. When you learn something from someone admitting it is intellectual and personal honesty.

When you consciously claim that something you learned from elsewhere is your own, then you are stealing. Yet, you will not truly understand an idea until you have grown to “own it” in a sense. To own and be able to state it in your words. There is no real contradiction here.

The problem with this ingratitude is memetic, you gain one small thing, mastery of a branch or piece of knowledge, but you lose the greater – your personal honesty.

The source of all injustice and sin is lying. Small ones lead to bigger ones, which lead to deadly ones. 1.3 Million Iraqis were murdered because a son of a bitch lied about weapons of mass destruction. So lying preceded wholesale murder and slaughter.

This is why you can’t benefit from what you stole, because the whole system becomes corrupted by that lie at its foundation.

As a closed system, affected by an outside force – a teacher or source of information, most people should acknowledge their sources but they do not. There are real dangers to this, if you think about this for a bit you may begin to realize some of the advantages and benefits to admitting what your sources were, as you continue to learn and mature, and honestly grow to “own” an idea, as it becomes your own, integrated into your mind and life in a healthy and beneficial way.

Point 9. People today are addicted to noise. They are addicted to the noise because they are trying to tune out their inner demons. If you have you never wondered about it then you should.

After wondering about this can you then wonder why this is so? If you can wonder this, then why not consider yourself; are you also addicted to noise?

In coffee-shops, supermarkets, in bars, hookah spots, restaurants, elevators, and shopping malls; everywhere people are surrounded by droning music. Almost all of it, if you really pay attention to it, is simply noise.

But this is not only pushed on people; they choose it. Notice how everywhere people go they seem to be listening to something. Notice how many people on the street, at work, even at home, go about with ear-bud headsets, no matter what they are doing. They are drowning out their inner demons with noise. But this does not cure them.

Until this beast was named you probably didn’t even consider it. Now that it’s been identified, and named, you can start to wrestle with it.

No one wants to consider what is really going on and dealing with it, they choose to shove something in their ears and sit in front of TV several hours a day.

These are nine useful points to consider and think about.

Peace upon those who seek it.

Two Types of Souls. Truth, Authority, and the Dajjal’s Disguises Part 2

Soulaiman continued, and shifted the subject a bit from the Dajjal, to his audience – you and I out there.

“Now with the example of a name, you have a situation in which certain Muslims would automatically trust the authority of someone bearing a type of name or title. In other words, they would trust the image he brought to bear in from of them, and the name or title is part of the image.

The problem with a lot of this is summarized by that old statement about there being two kinds of souls. There are many other ways to distinguish people, but one of the most productive ways to understand humanity is along the following way of dividing and categorizing people, when you are looking at their heart of hearts, their mind of minds if you will.

On The Two Types of Souls: the Appearance of Authority, and the Reality of Truth.

This adage is famous in different ways, but I am going to restate it in my own way. I’ve come up with a pithy adage based on this old traditional saying that summarizes its essential idea; it is this, basically:

‘It is a misery to take authority as your truth, instead of truth as your authority.'”

He paused, let me think about it for a moment, and then he re-stated it, slightly changed.

It is a miserable soul that takes authority as its truth, instead of the opposite – Truth as its final authority.”

He paused again, and continued. “This is simply a nice, useful, and simple way of saying the following: for some people, a figure of authority is their truth. When a president speaks, or when the king, imam, or priest speaks, this automatically deserves such people’s respect. For them the mere act of someone with that authoritative title speaking conveys truth.

On the other hand, for some people, indeed for a few, and unfortunately only a few, the Truth itself is their authority. For this second group of people, it wouldn’t matter if the Pope himself, the Sheikh el-Islam, the Khalifa or Mufti, said something. If what is said doesn’t measure up to the truth then it is absolutely of no relevance to them, any more than if it had been spoken, or brayed, by a Jackass. Such people, however, are very far and few between. Extremely few, in fact.

The point is that the vast majority of humanity mistake authority for truth. In other words, they act as if just because you have a title, are a type of expert, like a doctor, or father, or priest, or imam, that this somehow confers truth upon your words. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“I think I’m getting it..”

“The second group of people, those who see truth as their authority seem different from the others, those who see authority as truth. People make this basic mistake all the time, every day. Let’s say that I am a so-called expert in something – a doctor in this or that field – and I happen to get on television to talk about some issue, the people in the audience with switch off their brains.

People – most of the people anyway – automatically believe whatever a person is saying in such a situation. In this example, most people in the audience will automatically believe what such an expert has to say.

But when you really think about it, this expert is just a normal average human being, like anybody else. He is a vulnerable, fallible, mere mortal like any other person. A person’s expertise should be measured against the truth, not the opposite – that the truth itself is measured against a person’s expertise and title. It’s a simple game, really.”

I interrupted him, blurting out “That is exactly what happened with the Bahais, in the early Babi Movement!”

“Yes, that is exactly right.” He said. “This guy, the so-called Bab, when the people around him looked at him, so overwhelming was the appearance he presented before them, so earth shakingly overwhelming it was, that they assumed he was clearly a figure or truth and authority.”

“Soulaiman, I have read that even some of the early enemies of the Babi and Bahai sects, indeed some of the Bab’s own jailers, actually felt horrible over imprisoning him. These people saw the turban, and the beard, and more than this, they saw his apparent saintliness. It affected them greatly. They saw that he was always fasting, always in prayer, and all these sort of things, and they would say to themselves ‘such a person could not lie.‘”

Soulaiman nodded and stroked his beard.

“This is what I am speaking of. Those people mistook authority for truth; the title and appearance of authority for the Truth. Yet the truth is not a matter of appearance. The truth is ultimately a matter of reasoning..” He said, drawing out and emphasizing the word ‘reasoning’, and letting it linger for a few moments, before continuing.

“Consider this; a lie can be garbed in just about anything you want to dress it in. You can dress-up a lie like the Queen herself. You can dress a lie in the garb of the King of the World. In both cases, it is still a goddamn lie.

The Truth; it can come to you from the lips of a babe, a child, and it can come to you from the lips of a pauper. The truth can be found spoke even by a Bush. However the majority of humans would not recognize it, because they do not expect the truth to be associated with such … un-authoritative states, or situations or individuals.

So, to recap or restate the dramatic words I used in the beginning; there are two kinds of souls on this earth.

1. Those who recognize the truth even if it came dressed in the garb of a pauper.

2. Those would wouldn’t recognize the truth, unless it came to them dressed in kingly habits.

And those are the two kinds of people there are on this earth.”

“Or in today’s world, instead of kingly habit, a scientist’s white coat or a president’s suit?” I asked.

“Yeah, Whatever.” He said. “Basically, if the truth came to them with the right dress, if it came dressed correctly, whatever this dress happened to be. This has always been the case. Throughout human history, through the broad sweep of mankind’s history, it has always been the case that there are these two kinds of souls. Now, I used the word ‘souls’ carefully, because it is such a deep issue.

When you actually try to explain all of this to a person, like when you try to ask a person, ‘wait a minute, why is it that you believe this person, even though he’s lying’ you come up against tremendous opposition. Why, for example, do you believe the goddamn president even though countless times he’s lied, lied and lied again? Yet there you sit, in front of your TV, and you make two or three hours of your time just to listen to his State of the Union address, even when you know that he’s actually a goddamn liar.

You wouldn’t do this for a liar who came up to you dressed in homeless clothing. You wouldn’t assign this much room and time in your life if the liar came to you, dressed in a garb that doesn’t confer authority upon its wearer. And yet, people do this all the time for experts. People of expertise and authority, kings, and presidents, will lie to people, over and over again, yet people always go back to these ‘experts’, sit before them, and listen to their lies silently and attentively.

However, there are other people. There is a small group of people, indeed a special group of people, that wouldn’t care even if they were told the lie was spoken by God – Allah forbid.

Now the way I worded this is a far fetched and extreme, but very real example. For this small group of people, even if you told them that God himself had spoken a lie, these extremely few and special people, even if you told them ‘God said this’, and you could actually show them in – obviously false – scripture, that the God of such false scripture spoke a lie, they would recognize the lie, and they would not give it any authority, because it is simply not worthy of that authority.

All false religion works like this, in fact. This how all false propaganda works. This is how all political manipulation works. It works by conferring the image of authority to a lie. In the case of false religion, the ultimate image of authority is by assigning it to God almighty himself, who is beyond such falsehoods.”

“What is a good example of this?”

“For example, to pick on one group of people, take Hinduism.” Soulaiman said.”Their gods, their final figures of authority, supposedly have told them that a monkey, or a cow, to pick a cheap and easier illustration of the point, is more worthy of respect than a human being. This is because god, or their god, told them so. Or rather, because their divine writ said so.

That is why you find 1.2 billion Hindus, over a billion human beings, falling into the first category of the miserable souls that we talked about before, those who confuse truth with authority.

Now, of course, I am sure that amongst Hindus, or people born in that religion, there are a few who would not be deceived thus at any cost. It doesn’t matter what their forefathers or elders told them, about a cow being more divine, or being more worthy of respect and status than a human being, these few people would not believe it. This is because their reasoning, their soul, indeed their heart of hearts, would tell them ‘this is not true, this is not so, this is false, I don’t care who said it.’

So again, to restate for the third time this statement, because it deserves not only to be said again, but to be memorized;

It is misery to take truth as authority, instead of authority as truth.

We finished our coffee and then took leave of each other, and his words remained at the forefront of my mind.

Which type of person are you? Who are your authorities, and what do you take as the Truth?

Two Types of Souls. Truth, Authority, and the Dajjal’s Disguises Part 1

This conversation took place back on July 22 2010, in a small Coffeehouse. Brother soulaiman agreed to discuss a few matters after work, when some research was mentioned to him about certain highly influential literary figures, in particular occultist or counter-culture, rebel types. We were trying to understand the implications of brother soulaiman’s idea that many figures in history with cultural unusual influence possibly being the Dajjal in disguise, on specific ‘missions’ to engineer a society or culture’s beliefs, mores, and practices to take people away from the Truth and God, and towards his satanic ends.

He proceeded to explain to us something of the nature of the dajjal’s personalities and masks; the identities and disguises he ‘wears‘ in a sense, and the important subject of Truth versus Authority.

The Dajjal’s Many Hats: Masks, Persona, and Social Engineering.

“Every time he creates a personality, it’s engineered.” Soulaiman explained. “Each time the Dajjal creates a persona for himself, and “puts on a hat” so to speak, for that specific persona, it is engineered for that task.

For example, if the Dajjal wants to do social engineering of homosexuality, he’s going to engineer or manufacture a personality that suits that task at hand. In other words, a personality that allows him to get away with it. One which allows him wide publicity, and allows him all the necessary conditions for him to achieve his task. Does that make sense?”

“Completely.” I said. I asked if Aleister Crowley (Edward Alexander Crowley) would be an example. He indicated not only Crowley but a host of others, like Abu Nuwas (al-Hasan ibn Hani al-Hakami) – the influential Abbasid court-poet and hadith teacher whose blasphemous poetry praising buggery widely circulated in the Caliphate.

“If the Dajjal wants to influence, for example, Jewish theology he’s going to create a personality that would be perfect for the job.” Soulaiman continued. “For example, take a Jewish theologian .. Like Maimonides for example. This personality and image suits his audience and job.”

I thought about this and its implications for a moment. “So Soulaiman, lets say if he wants to influence a group of Sunni Muslims…”

“Then he will create the kind of personality that the Muslims would automatically – automatically, second nature, without a further thought – would respect. Indeed, would venerate.”

“Like an Imam? A Sheikh?”

“Not just an Imam. Think of a garb, a garb one wears, and the title that goes along with it, even of the choice of the name that you would choose for the individual with that title and garb.”

“Ah, like a fancy Abayah and Bisht, and a big turban or ghutra on the head?” I asked, trying to imagine this in my head.

“Sure, but think wider. For example, you would name yourself after a region.” He said.

He was talking about something beyond just the clothing, which I was fixated on, something more subtle.

“Take the name of someone from a certain classical Muslim region, let’s say ‘Qazwini’. So you have Sheikh Fulan al-Qazwini, for example. Or you have Son of Fulan, Sheikh Abdullah al-Khorasani, or Sheikh Fulan son of Fulan al-Hanafi al-Fulani al-Hijazi, or whatever. Thedescriptive add to one’s image in the ears and minds of one’s audience.”

“I think I get it. They have a resonance, they evoke a type of prestige?”

He explained further. “I am just giving you one example of a trick out of many. A title like that would just switch off critical reflection in many people if they heard or read it. 99.9% of Muslim communities anywhere would be completely mentally disabled by it, you know. They would have their thinking completely disabled after hearing that name. They just would automatically trust what a person with a name like that would say.”

I asked just by the name itself? And he explained that there were more nuances to this business. It was more complicated than just this, and I shouldn’t get caught up in just that one aspect.

There could be many things useful to the Dajjal in a particular personality. A name, or a title – like say Sheikh al-Islam. A mode of garb, or a certain style of beard. Even, however, facial expressions or body type. One community in one community may find a fat Sheikh, or a muscular one, or a thin emaciated one, more authoritative or convincing. Another community of Muslims could find the complete opposite to be convincing. In fact there are any number of things which, when observed, would convey the necessary authority to the audience at hand.

Please see part two.

Review of Theories and Coverups of the Siberian Hole at the End of the World, Part 2

After a brief introduction to this mystery lets us continue with the analysis of brother Soulaiman Soussi.

First we will look at the existing theories of the origins of the Yamal crater. We will consider why they are ludicrous or insufficient and which features of the crater are not adequately explained by these existing theories. Then we will propose Soulaiman Soussi’s theory as an alternative that better explains the geological features of this crater and its historical context. We will see how this interpretation is best supported by the photographic and historical evidence.

Since we began this series news of a second hole emerged. It’s photographs support this theory and we will examine it shortly.

We do not claim this to be the only possible interpretation. We merely suggest it as the most likely, and that others are easily debunked or can be exposed as being politically motivated or the result of open deception. Given brother Soulaiman Soussi’s research, including past research into Soviet Siberian history long before the crater was found, we feel that what we’re about to reveal to you is the most likely scenario – and the one that most fits with the geostrategic concerns of present-day Russia and its junta is led by President Putin.


Current theories, from the silly to the implausible.

Clearly much has been in the media lately about this anomaly. Siberia’s Zvezda TV’s airing grainy helicopter footage of the crater made the issue spread memetically viral. A subsequent helicopter video, take by a team of scientists visiting the site further piqued public interest and contributed to a flurry of speculations. These are the more significant speculations.


Claim: Space aliens or UFOs. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of an extraterrestrial cause, whether by force of nature such as meteorites or an asteroid, much less than intelligent alien life. These sort of claims are simply wild guesses or worse purposefully planted disinformation and confusion. Even considering it makes one feel an IQ drop of several points. It is a distraction meant for certainly easily impressionable people. For others there are more sophisticated lies.


Claim: A Collapsed Pingo. A pingo is a type of conical hill found in tundra permafrost areas in Eurasia and the Americans. Pingos occur in permafrost when excess water, from a draining lake for example, is forced into previously unfrozen ground, and the ground deforms to relieve the growing water pressure. Over hundreds of years the ground projects upwards on-top of this growing bed of freezing water being absorbed in that area of the ground, often cracking near the summit of the hill as it grows and partially collapsing in on itself.

This picture from the New York Times illustrates pingo formation:

This is a picture of a collapsed Pingo, located in Kunlun Pass, China. Mentally compare it with the Yamal Crater


These are other collapsed Pingos, located in Canada (pictures copyright Park Canada):

nature_image1 nature_image5 nature_image6

Notice these features, the relative height of the hill’s ridges, the distinctive smooth contours upon collapse, and the closeness of piled material to the crater. In no case is there the appearance of actual ejecta, material violently expelled.

If you search for pictures of Siberian pingos you will note this pattern repeat over and over, whatever this hole in Yamal is, it does not resemble a pingo collapse. Their contours are smooths, there is no sign of rapid expulsion of ejecta, no signs of a violent explosion and dispersal of material. Put simply this theory is an idiotic grasping at straws.


Claim: A naturally occurring gas explosion, climate change induced. Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Center researcher Anna Kurchatova, first put in the claim that a pocket of natural gas when combined with salt and water could have produced a large explosion. The ultimate cause of this would be permafrost thawing due to anthropogenic climate-change. This claim was made, of course, at a distance without the researcher having visited the site. The exact chemical mechanisms through which this could occur were not stated. We could not find any clear evidence such a naturally occurring gas explosion, in Siberian tundra, with warming permafrost, due to a mix of salt and water, has ever been documented.

Anna Kurchatova’s claim is simply a theoretical speculation, her opinion, made in absence of any valid research data. Because of current concerns over global warming clearly this opinion resonates in the media, and this may be the point of it. At best it is a scientist’s semi-informed speculation, made at a distance, when given a voice in the media, at worse it represents a politicization of the science of the issue. It is a wild guess and only her position and authority gives it the illusion and veneer of authority.

Claim: Unspecified Natural Causes. Possibly Climate Change linked. Anna Liesowska, at the The Siberian Times (17 July 2014, ‘First pictures from inside the ‘crater at the end of the world’) interviewed Andrey Plekhanov’s research team after their expedition to the Yamal crater. Plekhanov claims the crater is a natural phenomenon without human cause. While his team doesn’t know when the hole formed, he states “We are working with space photographs to figure out exact time of its formation.” Plekhanov further says. “We can be certain in saying that the crater appeared relatively recently, perhaps a year or two ago; so it is a recent formation, we are not talking about dozen years ago.” How he can be certain regarding this is not stated, of course, and The Siberian Times takes it on his authority.

As to the cause, the Siberian Times preempted the climate-change question by directly prompting Plekhanov with the question. He replied “Could it be linked to the global warming? We have to continue our research to answer this question.” He notes that the summers of 2012 and 2013 were “relatively hot” for the Yamal region, and that “perhaps this has somehow influenced the formation of the crater.” However, of course, further tests and research would be needed first before he could “then say it more definitively.

Unlike Anna Kurchatova Andrey Plekhanov actually was at the crater, examined it physically, and conducted tests there. You will note his wording is more cautious than Kurchatova’s. However this phrase, “and then say it more definitively” rhetorically more or less presupposes that global warming would ultimately be dredged out as a causal factor – post further research. For now, however, “we can say for sure that under the influence of internal processes there was an ejection in the permafrost” without reference to climate change or other human causes.

How exactly Plekhanov’s team could say “for sure” is not stated. In case we aren’t yet clear he further asserts; “I want to stress that it was not an explosion, but an ejection, so there was no heat released as it happened”. This statement addresses previous researchers’ observations, that the blackened appearance of the crater’s sides certainly were burn marks.

Plekhanov claimed the natural processes involved were covered in a theory Soviet scientists worked on in the 1980s. This unspecified theory was one that was “left and then forgotten for a number of years” as he put it. As to the terms of the theory, who actually proposed it, and its literature, none of this was stated. This makes his unspecified “theory” effectively a ‘black hole.’ it is effectively a convenient rhetorical dodge. He further claimed this theory addresses natural processes in the permafrost that led to prehistoric formation of a number of lakes in the Yamal peninsula roughly 8,000 years ago. He then speculated that perhaps these processes are repeating today.

In short, he has no idea. Since he is effectively a government scientist (if he is, in fact, a scientist and not an intelligence operative) you could assume that he is simply repeating whatever those apparatchiks who sent him there told him to say. In other words, his statements are effectively a stalling for time. His claims boil down to this; whatever caused the crater were “natural processes” and somehow vaguely connected to a 30ish year old Soviet theory that somehow was just “forgotten” by their research community.

Claim: A natural gas explosion, human induced. The nearest gas fields are 30 miles away, there are no known gas pipelines through the permafrost in this area. Moreover as researcher Andrey Plekhanov, from above, notes “If it was a man-made disaster linked by gas pumping, it would have happened closer to the gas fields” and “Gas workers would have been on alert, letting us know about it immediately.” This claim can be dismissed out-of-hand.

Claim: Gog and Magog (Yajuj wa Majuj) digging through their barrier. This theory has surfaced on a few Muslim forums. It is a reference to the Quran’s narrative of the peoples of Yajuj and Majuj being locked behind an iron barrier by the ancient Prophet and King Dhu al-Qarnayn. The people who mention this hypothesis believe Gog and Magog are locked behind some impenetrable barrier but will dig themselves out near the end of time. In future time, god willing, we will cover brother Soulaiman’s theory on Dhu al-Qarnayn and Yajuj and Majuj. Suffice to say people have been misreading the “hadith”narrations and simply making up things on this nature for a very long time. For now our response is simple:

Be serious. Please. This is not science fiction nor is it Hajji Baba telling you bedtime stories. This is only slightly more ludicrous than UFOs and Space Aliens. The only reason we included this easily blown down straw-man is to illustrate how confused people are truly being. The notion is idiotic.

Now let’s consider more plausible matters. Our next part will follow.

Review of Theories and Coverups of the Siberian Hole at the End of the World, Part 1

Yamal Crater
(Source MSN News.http://news.msn.com/offbeat/66-yard-crater-appears-in-far-northern-Siberia )

Peace be upon those who seek it. The world is currently abuzz with the discovery of a mysterious crater, found in siberia.

The giant hole was discovered on a peninsula in siberia’s natural gas rich yamal region, a word meaning ‘end of the earth’ in the siberian nenets dialect, and is believed by many to be the result of an underground explosion.

But what is it really?

Speculations about the crater abound, and range from the barely plausible to the outright insane. Sundry causes have been claimed, like meteorites, UFO activity,  gas industry triggered underground explosions, and even more natural geological processes perhaps being accelerated by anthropogenic climate change/global warming.

There exists one possible explanation, however, that has been studiously ignored by both the mainstream and alternative media. This possible cause may yet be the most plausible explanation of all. This likely solutions to the mystery of the siberian giant hole may fascinate and amaze you.

We at Cipherverse caught up with the researcher Soulaiman Soussi (Abu Abdullah) to get his take on the controversy. As it turned out he had been busily researching the crater’s story and the history of the region. We believe that his research results and the hypothesis he presents may shock you. It certainly shocked us. However in hindsight you may find yourself slapping your forehead due to the elegant simplicity of his hypothesis. We are confident that if you are open minded and thoughtful, you too will see this explanation as the only truly plausible one.

Before we can present it, let us work our way through what is known and examine a few facts. To begin, let’s take a look at what we have all been told about the crater, and the bare framework of the story as it is known.

The yamal peninsula, in the yamalo-nenets autonomous region, is one of the most remote areas of the world, as the name ‘yamal‘ itself implies, for it means ‘end of the earth‘ or ‘end of the land‘ in the dialect of the local nenets people. This remote peninsula arguably sits on top of the largest source of natural gas in the entire world. Its very small population consists of its indigenous inhabitants, and a small handful of gas industry workers. Other than this the yamal peninsula rarely sees much human activity. Its most famous inhabitant is a long dead, 30,000 year old, baby woolly mammoth calf dug up from the permafrost.

The crater itself is in a remote part of the peninsula itself. It is located approximately 30 km from the peninsula’s gas fields. The crater itself appears to be 50 to 70 metres deep, and about 30 meters across according to the most recent accounts. Its walls seem comprised of strata of permafrost and possibly stone, though the first few feet appears to be a thin layer of brown top-soil.

Source AP Associated Press Television, linked from MSN

Beneath this the permafrost appears blackened, and riven with striations indicating considerable water erosion. In spite of these erosion caused rivulets the actual walls of the chamber appear very sharply cut.
The entrance to the hole is roughly oval shaped, and a larger chamber can be seen below in some photos, which gives you the impression of a narrower entrance leading to a larger interior cavern. At the very bottom appears to be an icy lake comprised of melt-off from the permafrost.

Yamal TV/The Siberian Times. Linked from the Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2699853/Take-trip-inside-mysterious-Siberian-hole-New-footage-emerges-deep-strange-structure.html

When you look at its photos you will notice a ring of debris surrounding it.

Marya Zulinova / Governor of Yamal-Nenets Region’s Press Service. Linked from the Moscow Times.

These debris appear to have been ejected or expelled upward and then quickly settling around the actual lip of the hole. You will notice the debris ring is fairly close to the crater, very little is apparent a further distance away.

Notice also that there’s very little plant growth on the immediate lip of the hole. In fact, several portions of the debris ring are absolutely bare of any plant life, whilst other portions have mixed grass or low scrub growing upon it. In other words the plant growth is spotty and for the most part there is very little of it.
This describes roughly what is it. However the question presents itself; what does it mean?

Now that we have seen some pictures and facts in part 2 we shall take a deeper look at this mystery, and then propose abu abdullah’s explanation, one far more likely than what the propagandists are feeding you.

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the cipherverse. Peace be upon those who seek it. Allah willing we will present expanded content that has been in the works over the last year, as well as restore much of the earlier content.

This site and its themes are based on the research of brother soulaiman soussi, a physical scientist and hadith researcher, and are the result of 30 years of his intense daily research, sometimes 12 hours a day. The man’s relentless researches into the qu’ran, hadith, fiqh, and theology as accompanied by a relentless and rigorous academic scientific training and augmented by his intense studies in physics, genetics, engineering, history, and linguistics are represented here. We have been inspired by his tireless search for truth and aim to present his work for allah’s sake. We aim only to assist him, burdened with intense studies and research, to reach out to the world, at a very late hour.

And the hour is late indeed.

As you read we hope that you are motivated by both curiosity and sincerity, sincere desire to discover and right the wrongs in your life, and the world around you to whatever degree possible. We hope that you are animated with a sincere desire to gain knowledge and then apply that knowledge. There are avenues of knowledge which have been purposefully obstructed by the enemy. With allah’s grace we struggle to unearth the truth wherever it lies, even when that takes us into darkened and perilous tunnels. The truth is too precious of a light giving gem to allow its enemies to smother it.

To escape a trap we must see and recognize it for what it is. This muslim nation, our ummah, has done a poor job of this for several centuries. Thus millions of muslims not only have died in genocide, lost their lands, and heritage, but worse millions have effectively lost faith or had it mangled past recognition. The very knowledge that through wish alone we can find truly meaningful and fulfilling existences, in this world and the next,has been systematically attacked. However

يُرِيدُونَ أَنْ يُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَيَأْبَى اللَّهُ إِلَّا أَنْ يُتِمَّ نُورَهُ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ

“They seek to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the disbelievers hate it.” (Surah Taubah verse 32)

The only way out is to recognize the diseases affecting us and find, then apply, the original cures. The muslim nation has ignored original cures. How many liars call themselves “salafi” but ignore, for example, the methods and teachings of the imam of madina, malik ibn anas, mercy upon him?

Because of the severity of the tribulations around us, in syria, burma, central african republic, libya, the arabian peninsula, and elsewhere, and the shortness of time we believe remaining to the ummah, we pray that this work becomes useful and our personal errors and mistakes forgiven.  With divine permission we will focus on further exposing the schemes, cons, lies and scams of iblis, the shaytan of the jinn, and the dajjal, who is the shaytan of ins, humanity, the two races who are accountable before god.

We hope to draw your attention to how these con-jobs are relevant in your contemporary life and culture and where possible how to evade or escape these traps.

We aim to share not only the proofs and evidences for such cons and schemes but also the divinely given tools to escape these schemes and live healthier, more fulfilling, and purposeful lives. Tools that are part of the mercy that our liege-lord muhammad, peace benedictions and blessigs upon him and his progeny.


What is it that has brought you here?

There is a story, of abu bakr, allah be pleased with him. He once gave a pagan advice as to what he could do to the privy parts of his false goddess al-lat; as the narration goes امصص ببظر اللات، أنحن نفر عنه وندعه..

Adab is for those who deserve it. Abu bakr was a man of immensely strong faith. A believer is not weak before the stupidity and tyranny of kufr. The story has a purpose. Two types of readers come; one who earnestly seeks knowledge and wisdom. He or she may disagree but finds the intelligence to consider and imagine things previously unimaginable, to question assumptions, and fairly think and weigh what they read. The second type of person may be self-righteous, pompous, and self-certain about his or her “minhaj” and ever so certain about the words he or she uncritically regurgitates.

To the first reader welcome, may allah grant you the treasures you seek. To the second reader; consider the words of abu bakr, allah be pleased with him. Then weigh in your heart whether you are sincere in seeking the truth, or whether you are of those for whom such words might be applied. With no apology if cipherverse doesn’t appeal to you then you are free to leave. Perhaps one prefers the words mommy, grandma, daddy, or one’s marjah, pir, shaykh, mullah, butcher, or barber. If this is so then by all means run back to them.


Time is short, and tribulation is upon us.

Please pay attention, what we share might help save your life someday, but more importantly, allah willing, they may help save your soul. Until the next time, just remember; The scheming never ends. But allah is the best of planners.


Notes on the site’s new style.

Cipherverse is adopting a new set of stylistic and orthographic conventions, such as abandoning proper-noun case capitals, and preferring whenever possible english translations of common terms (unless the original Arabic is essential) for a couple of reasons.

One, regarding capitalization, brother abu abdullah’s linguistic research inspires this change. For one it is the arabic norm, and one that english would do well to follow in lieu of contemporary but arbitrary norms which carry hidden semantic baggage. Other languages using the latin script have entirely different capitalization norms than english. All of this removes clarity and facilitates the dajjals work. For simplicity we will emulate, best as possible, arabic language and orthography does not include capital and lower case letters for very important reasons. We retain initial sentence capitals simply for ease of readability and to avoid confusion as we transition into this, we will defer to this pre-modern norm.

Two, since we aim to reach both non-muslims and muslims, and among muslims non-arabs as well as arabs, english terms will predominate for ease of understanding. Those readers familiar with the arabic originals of most of these terms should realize the importance of clear communication with those who are less familiar with arabic. In quoting narrations and reports wherever practical, time and space permitting, we will post original arabic text above or below the english translation. Words from arabic whose meaning requires giving the non translated form will be kept but as far as possible we will try to present the english equivalents first.

We welcome your comments and will provide an email address. Constructive, non-stupid, and insightful reader comments will be published allah willing.

Audio is Working Again

Peace be upon those who seek peace,

The technical difficulties with the sites audios have been resolved mashallah, previous audiocasts can be listened to again.

We particularly recommend reviewing the Tamim al Dari and the Dajjal Island audio. From our study of many online forums it’s become clear that many have misunderstood our take on these important subjects and attributed to our intention

The Mysterious Island – The Dajjal enchained, and the Tamim al-Dari Hadith Part 1

The Mysterious Island 2 – Shocking Conclusion, Tamim al-Dari Lost, on the Island of the Dajjal, and a Psyop..

Amazing – What Ibn Sayyad Doesn’t Want You to Know About Ibn Sayyad Part 1

We are actually stating the position of the most prominent among the Sahabah, from Ali Ibn Abi Talib(ra), to Umar ibn al-Khattab(ra) to Ibn Umar (ra) to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAAWS) Hafsa (ra) as well as several others. It was a matter of ‘ijma(إجماع) – consensus among some of the most prominent Sahabah, and one some of them swore to in the Presence of Allah’s Messenger, (SAAWS) with his silence designating assent. Making light of, and dismissing, this matter could lead to kufr on the one doing so once you understand the heaviness of this matter. We advise treading with care, for the sake of your Iman, if you are confused in this.

We understand some things are hard to accept and conceptualize, for the sake of Muslims dying due to these deceptions, much less than those losing their faith – which is worse than death – consider our perspective with an open mind.

Civilization, Society, Instinct and Logic – Part 3, A Devil you don’t know exists, whence Information comes, Reason Language and Logic

Peace upon those who seek it.

We need to expose a couple of axioms that are needed to further understand this work as it continues to unveil:

One; All information in the Universe is from Allah, thus all wisdom is from Allah.

Two; Thus information in this Universe can only be transferred, it is neither created nor destroyed inside of this closed system of a Universe.

Three; Any influx of New Information into humanity, and its subsequent manifestations, are from Allah. The nuzul of Revelation is a quantitative and Qualitative addition to the informational content of the universe itself.

Four; the Hadiths of the Dajjal Island and Ibn Sayyad must be understood if one is to have hope of understanding any of these matters.

The knowing of the first two seems easy but the actual understanding of them and their implications is difficult.  The third derives from the understanding of the first two, and our authority for the fourth statement is Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Allah ennoble his visage, in his narrated statement that the one who knows Ibn Sayyad is the Dajjal will be happy, and the one who does not will not be happy.

Civilization, Society, Instinct and Logic – Part 2, Programming, Choices, Language and Logic

Peace upon those who seek it.

Here we begin to look at Logic, and in what follows will return to logic. In any logical operation you can perform valid operations upon invalid data. If you start with the wrong axioms but use correct reasoning you will arrive at questionable conclusions. Now if you take wrong axioms, an then start to use wrong reasoning going step to step all the way, then you will simply arrive at stupid, bizarre, and throughly delusional conclusions. Here you will never be able to actually solve the problem at hand, but will simply knit for yourself a tangled web of delusion.

Look closely at every Kafir culture you have traveled to, witnessed, or lived in. Observe what they see as their “individuality” and “strength.”

Think to yourself, is it not truly quite as it seems? Does it not seem like the very opposite?