Review of Theories and Coverups of the Siberian Hole at the End of the World, Part 1

Yamal Crater
(Source MSN News. )

Peace be upon those who seek it. The world is currently abuzz with the discovery of a mysterious crater, found in siberia.

The giant hole was discovered on a peninsula in siberia’s natural gas rich yamal region, a word meaning ‘end of the earth’ in the siberian nenets dialect, and is believed by many to be the result of an underground explosion.

But what is it really?

Speculations about the crater abound, and range from the barely plausible to the outright insane. Sundry causes have been claimed, like meteorites, UFO activity,  gas industry triggered underground explosions, and even more natural geological processes perhaps being accelerated by anthropogenic climate change/global warming.

There exists one possible explanation, however, that has been studiously ignored by both the mainstream and alternative media. This possible cause may yet be the most plausible explanation of all. This likely solutions to the mystery of the siberian giant hole may fascinate and amaze you.

We at Cipherverse caught up with the researcher Soulaiman Soussi (Abu Abdullah) to get his take on the controversy. As it turned out he had been busily researching the crater’s story and the history of the region. We believe that his research results and the hypothesis he presents may shock you. It certainly shocked us. However in hindsight you may find yourself slapping your forehead due to the elegant simplicity of his hypothesis. We are confident that if you are open minded and thoughtful, you too will see this explanation as the only truly plausible one.

Before we can present it, let us work our way through what is known and examine a few facts. To begin, let’s take a look at what we have all been told about the crater, and the bare framework of the story as it is known.

The yamal peninsula, in the yamalo-nenets autonomous region, is one of the most remote areas of the world, as the name ‘yamal‘ itself implies, for it means ‘end of the earth‘ or ‘end of the land‘ in the dialect of the local nenets people. This remote peninsula arguably sits on top of the largest source of natural gas in the entire world. Its very small population consists of its indigenous inhabitants, and a small handful of gas industry workers. Other than this the yamal peninsula rarely sees much human activity. Its most famous inhabitant is a long dead, 30,000 year old, baby woolly mammoth calf dug up from the permafrost.

The crater itself is in a remote part of the peninsula itself. It is located approximately 30 km from the peninsula’s gas fields. The crater itself appears to be 50 to 70 metres deep, and about 30 meters across according to the most recent accounts. Its walls seem comprised of strata of permafrost and possibly stone, though the first few feet appears to be a thin layer of brown top-soil.

Source AP Associated Press Television, linked from MSN

Beneath this the permafrost appears blackened, and riven with striations indicating considerable water erosion. In spite of these erosion caused rivulets the actual walls of the chamber appear very sharply cut.
The entrance to the hole is roughly oval shaped, and a larger chamber can be seen below in some photos, which gives you the impression of a narrower entrance leading to a larger interior cavern. At the very bottom appears to be an icy lake comprised of melt-off from the permafrost.

Yamal TV/The Siberian Times. Linked from the Daily Mail.

When you look at its photos you will notice a ring of debris surrounding it.

Marya Zulinova / Governor of Yamal-Nenets Region’s Press Service. Linked from the Moscow Times.

These debris appear to have been ejected or expelled upward and then quickly settling around the actual lip of the hole. You will notice the debris ring is fairly close to the crater, very little is apparent a further distance away.

Notice also that there’s very little plant growth on the immediate lip of the hole. In fact, several portions of the debris ring are absolutely bare of any plant life, whilst other portions have mixed grass or low scrub growing upon it. In other words the plant growth is spotty and for the most part there is very little of it.
This describes roughly what is it. However the question presents itself; what does it mean?

Now that we have seen some pictures and facts in part 2 we shall take a deeper look at this mystery, and then propose abu abdullah’s explanation, one far more likely than what the propagandists are feeding you.